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jupen_hupen t1_ja0uym8 wrote

As you are using an iPhone then there is probably no other choice. I have AirPods Pro (1st gen) and Sony WF-1000XM4 and I prefer AirPods. Sony’s sound quality is IMHO better (better bass, wider stage) despite being a lot less comfy (I can not wear them for more than ~2h). Also call quality is better on AirPods at least for me.


lucasyamamoto t1_ja1aalz wrote

Well, you can use any other Bluetooth earphone… they will work fine… they just won’t have the convenience of AirPods though, but nothing stops you from using a Samsung Ear Buds in your iPhone. The Samsung Ear Buds even has it’s own app…


Unchanged- t1_ja2414z wrote

Yeah that person is full of it. I came from the LG phones which were audio focused and I was sorely disappointed by AirPods and the wired earbuds that are available. I think they sound awful. If I’m at home I always opt to play music over the phone speaker or my sound bar through Bluetooth because the audio quality just isn’t there.


Hessian-Ghost OP t1_ja0xtur wrote

How is the comfort on the new AirPods Pro?


TypicalJeepDriver t1_ja12qy8 wrote

They’re great IMO. They’re more comfy than the regular AirPods which start to hurt my ears around the 2 hour mark.


Nonamesfound t1_ja2q8zh wrote

I can wear mine literally all day, very comfortable… I forget that I have them in.