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chemicalsam t1_j9ztcj8 wrote

Why on earth did you buy a 4S?


SaintEmpyreus OP t1_j9zyxd0 wrote

I haven't yet. I currently have an android phone and it's complete trash, android is way more vulnerable to malware unlike iOS, and I always have a problems with ghost touch on my screen. No matter how much i wipe it the ghost touch doesen't go away, the screen isn't even cracked. I just needed a good cheap phone that works well so that's why I'm buying a 4S.


chemicalsam t1_ja011c9 wrote

Bruh the 4S came out in 2013. Seriously DO NOT buy it. Buy an SE if you want a cheap phone.


Geaveen t1_ja03c82 wrote

And do you even get malware on your phone? Since u talked about being vulnerable.. Jumped to iPhone last year and never got anything in my android phones. Also, don’t buy that phone, Jesus. That’s so old, it’s just terrible to use nowadays


kliao1337 t1_ja0fph3 wrote

If you are concerned with malware then do not purchase a device that haven’t received a software update in three years.

If you want a cheap iPhone that is supported — get an SE or used Xr / 11.


Alwaysaprairiegirl t1_ja05uk2 wrote

Considering there are no software updates for it, I would not touch that phone. Like Chemicalsam said, get the SE. It’s going to be supported for way longer, isn’t going to potentially compromise your data, and will be a solid phone for a good few years. Using a phone that hasn’t gotten updates in years is quite frankly dangerous.

That being said, having switched from Android four years ago: enjoy! The hardware is great, it works together, and it’s just fun to use. There are some great threads here too about fun tricks (one of my favourite is that if you accidentally delete something, shake your phone and it will ask you if you want to undo what you just did).