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Puzzleheaded_Boot186 t1_je8ngln wrote

Keep in mind that you gonna need to replace the battery of the 11 pro, since it is under 80%


RingAltruistic7662 t1_je8nno7 wrote

I’d go with the 11 for the slightly higher battery. 11 pro is going to need a new battery asap just like other comment said.


jappleseed481 t1_je8nokv wrote

I have the 11 pro and the wife has the 11. Big difference between the two are screen sizes for us. 11 pro is also OLED and the 11 is LCD, but Apple has done a great job with making LCD quality amazing. Camera, the 11 pro has a telephoto and the 11 does not. However, when I tried to show this off to the wife, she took a picture with her wide lens, went into edit mode, and zoomed/cropped said photo x2 as to replicate a zoomed in photo. Smart, really. Otherwise, picture quality between the two are the same.

I would say go for the 11. Since it has twice the memory, and still has a a bit of battery before it gets below the 80% capacity, which is when it’s recommended to get it changed out.


Flair_Helper t1_je8o1gc wrote

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