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paulstelian97 t1_jbx3k7t wrote

It also shows if you recently were recording. If it's recording actively you'd also have a dot or something to highlight, instead of just this.


[deleted] OP t1_jbx3mxx wrote

It shows, orange dot but the app is not open


[deleted] OP t1_jbx4g61 wrote

No app is open, i got accused by my friend for reccordning in….


paulstelian97 t1_jbx4u5w wrote

Did you open that app anytime these days, and is it in your app switcher? The one mentioned in the screenshot.

Also try restarting your iPhone. It is a good idea to do it roughly once in two weeks anyway.


longster37 t1_jbx4wst wrote

Relax it’s just usual Deep state bullshit.


6oiledfish t1_jbx6nbu wrote

Something tells me you recorded that friend


RedFlare15 t1_jbx85an wrote’ll know as soon as the FBI suburbans arrive at your house.


cantstandthemlms t1_jbxe2mn wrote

Reboot your phone and see if that helps. Sometimes there are bugs and glitches and there is no explanation except bug or glitch. Sometimes my phone doesn’t screen record. I just close the apps and try again. I do not understand people asking for an explanation for a bug…if restating fixes it…then continue on.


PlantbasedBurger t1_jbxmmji wrote

Dude go to voice memos, the app, and show us a screenshot there lol.


johnk9385 t1_jbxqp42 wrote

Throw it against the wall and see if the recording light is still on 😋


AppleMacDaddySauce t1_jbzd2er wrote

I’d be worried about a potential stalker or a jealous significant other