Riptide360 t1_jee9zdc wrote
Should be illegal.
FewSimple9 t1_jeeap1a wrote
It’s called the Retailer Flex policy, this is a shitty policy that locks the device to the carrier (AT&T, T-Mobile etc). This happens when you buy from retailers, Best Buy, Target etc
Biplab_M t1_jeeauna wrote
I don't understand why people give so much power to SIM companies to own/lock smartphones of users. You should be able to just swap in/out physical SIMs or activate/deactivate esims whenever you want. Tying a device to a provider seems so funny to me
Upbeat-Truck-1833 t1_jeechfp wrote
Only in USA
KenRodriguezz t1_jeeco47 wrote
Attractive deals
TheMr91071 t1_jeedr4f wrote
Buying from Apple unlocked is the way, even though TMO & VZW attached iphones purchased via Apple are unlocked also. Only ATT activated/attached iphones are locked. National retailers sell flex iphones, which lock to the carrier if the 1st SIM activated. Therefore, it's always best to buy from Apple sim free.
BrikenEnglz t1_jeef82p wrote
Laughs in European
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jeefpmj wrote
It’s happening even when buying from the Apple Store and paying the full price.
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jeefs8j wrote
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jeeg5l1 wrote
I will test that out today and see if it still locks once I change my update my device on the AT&T app with the new esim.
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jeegbff wrote
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jeegcrr wrote
That’s a good idea
GaryTheSoulReaper t1_jeegrn2 wrote
T-mobile had this for iPhone 13 when I bought
I told them via Twitter I want a unlock and they processed it right away
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jeei60x wrote
Someone said it happened to him even with Mint
DmanPT1 t1_jeeikjv wrote
Americans why the fuck do you let this happen?
Loden-Moss t1_jeek7xd wrote
What the hell, damnit.
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jeekhzx wrote
How else are we going to be able to make calls, send text and have celular data?
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jeekm35 wrote
You bought the phone full price, it was locked and you asked them to unlock it?
TexButtery t1_jeen5t3 wrote
I've bought nearly every phone I've owned directly from Apple, used them on AT&T and T-Mobile, and they didn't lock...
Jon_bogger t1_jeenosl wrote
AT&T sucks balls. I paid my phone off in full and had to wait 2 days to unlock it. I paid cash at the store so it’s not like they had to wait for my credit card to process. That was so I could add Verizon onto my phone because I’m a truck driver and need the extra coverage.
JonnehBoii41 t1_jeeo4xi wrote
Buy in Apple Store. Pay outright. DON’T activate in-store. Activate your AT&T number after you leave the Apple Store. Your phone should be 100% unlocked.
chiefbozx t1_jeeoilz wrote
Visible is just reskinned Verizon, so Verizon's device unlock rules apply. Here's the Visible support article about this.
anythingmakessence t1_jeeomnv wrote
[deleted] OP t1_jeep2z8 wrote
nikenick28 t1_jeeq6nk wrote
You will be fine all you gotta do to check after connecting to your ATT account is go to settings > general > about > sim restrictions and you should see “no sim restrictions”
nillawafer t1_jeeq77d wrote
Allow corporations to do whatever they want? What could go wrong?
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jeeqn3r wrote
I will try this today
JonnehBoii41 t1_jeeqtir wrote
If you remember to, let me know how it goes! I don’t see any reason this shouldn’t work for you.
AcidRohnin t1_jeeqzgv wrote
I bought mine and carried my sim over. It’s still unlocked. So if you are going that route it should be fine. If you don’t have a carrier prior, than idk. I also have Verizon so that could be the case.
I can turn my current sim off and add new ones if I want too.
Abi1i t1_jeerzft wrote
T-Mobile recently bought Mint Mobile, so who knows how long Mint Mobile will stay in its current state. Mint Mobile was already using T-mobile’s network but now they’ll be a T-Mobile brand.
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jeesj0d wrote
I didn’t buy it. I gathered the info before making the purchase. I went to the Apple Store and the employee told me it would be locked for 60 days, even if I purchase it from them at full price.
stobi1101 t1_jeeskfr wrote
AT&T are dickheads I live near Seattle and sometimes will just lose connection randomly
[deleted] OP t1_jeesna0 wrote
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jeesp2h wrote
My concern is not only that but that if it does get unlocked, that it won’t work for carriers outside of the US. Read a lot of similar cases regarding that issue.
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jeesslh wrote
Hopefully it pans out like that. Will be testing it today
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jeesxi3 wrote
Will be testing that out today
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jeet4dq wrote
I’ll be trying it out today. I’ve read Verizon is the only one who doesn’t keep it locked to them.
pukingpixels t1_jeet7ao wrote
I know here in Canada we have some of the highest cellular rates and all the networks are owned by oligopolies, but at least we got rid of carrier locking. That’s fucked.
sundeigh t1_jeetafg wrote
AFAIK, this only happens in the US when you don’t buy the phone directly from the Apple Store. Try to buy from an Apple Store in the future if you can.
BluePeriod_ t1_jeetswd wrote
Verizon and T-Mobile sell them unlocked but really, your best bet is to just buy a SIM-Free model from Apple. If you are financing the phone anyway, just use an AppleCard for the zero interest.
Personally, I would never buy a phone through a carrier ever again because of these shady motions.
BluePeriod_ t1_jeeu35o wrote
It’s a terrible policy but Americans wouldn’t really notice this. Many stick with the carrier they choose, but through the carrier, and never notice until if and when they travel.
SparkNorkx t1_jeeu698 wrote
Can’t believe nobody mentioned this yet, but buying from reputable refurbished markets such as Swappa doesn’t get carrier locked if you choose the unlocked category.
AcidRohnin t1_jeeujg0 wrote
That’s could explain why. I know there is that law that carriers have to unlock the phone but Idk know there was a time limit. Either way it’s BS and is anti consumer.
Good luck. Hopefully you can find a way to get it done or maybe ask the Apple tech if they know a way around it.
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jeew8l8 wrote
I didn’t buy the phone yet. I just gathered the info. The apple employee says if purchases at the Apple Store, paid in full, activated with carrier, it will be locked for 60 days still.
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jeewcxv wrote
Searching about this today I just found them. Good insight 🙌🏻
drgordy t1_jeewjxb wrote
You need to look up the technical specs for each model and make sure it works on the bands in your country. For example the 14 Pro Max has two models, A2650 and A2651. You can buy an unlocked phone directly from Apple and then go get a SIM card from a carrier. The carrier never needs to touch your phone. Just get a plan without a contract.
LingonberryGrand1437 t1_jeewsxe wrote
I only buy sim-free models at Apple Stores.
sundeigh t1_jeexfcd wrote
Shouldn’t. For reference, I got the new ATT iPhone this year at launch via the iPhone Upgrade Program and went on a trip to Europe within the 60 day window. I bought a European esim to use. My phone was not carrier locked. It only locks for other sellers.
rumblefishfigher28 t1_jeeyrm8 wrote
I brought a Verizon phone over to T-Mobile. It’s not locked to them
dar3000 t1_jeeys3n wrote
Let's be clear. If you buy an unlocked iPhone from Apple it is unlocked and never will be locked to any carrier. Apple employees don't get a commission so no need to lock a phone to a carrier to get a commission. However, there are retail stores that do work on commission and if they can lock a phone to a carrier to get their commission, they will and possibly without telling you. It's not an Apple thing, it's who you buy your phone from. BTW this is true with all smart phones, not just the iPhone.
Arc73 t1_jeezn1z wrote
The Apple Store can sell you a phone in one of two ways. SIM/Carrier free or you tell them your carrier and they activate it in the carrier which locks the phone to the carrier for 60 days. So you need to buy the SIM free version and activate/transfer your SIM/eSIM yourself.
tinyj316 t1_jef01pn wrote
Its not as big of a deal because the majority of travel for US citizens is between states, if they leave their state at all. Very few Americans travel abroad. The US has 3 major carriers in Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T, and 99% of mobile users are on those networks.
People in Europe need to remember that the distance from New York City to Chicago is just about 800 miles, which is roughly the same as Paris to Madrid. New York to LA is just about 1700 miles, which is roughly the same as Lisbon to Berlin. Each of those countries between have their own carriers, which makes the need for changing SIMs more pressing. In the US, you don't need to change carrier to make those trips and maintain service. That's partially why most Americans couldn't give a shit about carrier locking.
BluePeriod_ t1_jef09cs wrote
Exactly. I’ve only ever gone out of my way to buy unlocked phones because I leave the US a lot. For most people here really, really don’t care because it’s just not relevant.
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jef0puu wrote
I’ll be purchasing it today. I will not activate it with them at the Apple Store. Hopefully it works this way.
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jef11oc wrote
I see a lot of suspicious downvotes. I wonder why 😂
ManateeJamboree t1_jef1a5f wrote
Not true. I brought a US iPhone to Spain (bought from apple) and inserted my Vodafone SIM and it immediately worked.
BluePeriod_ t1_jef1f9f wrote
In my experience, I think people take cultural differences very personally for no real particular reason. The same thing happens whenever any kind of news about iMessage appears.
You get the same comments of “this is only an American problem!“ Or “the rest of the world uses WhatsApp“
It doesn’t occur to people that the rest of the world can use whatever they want. Different countries have different trends, different cultures, different styles - different everything. South Korea uses Kakao talk, Japan uses Line. A lot of countries use Telegram for example.
We just don’t use WhatsApp here lol. And stupid as the SIM locking policy is here, it’s just not a common issue for us in the USA.
BluePeriod_ t1_jef1n91 wrote
God that’s super ghetto. You should consider switching carriers, really.
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jef1s78 wrote
Thank you. So if I got added to a family plan as an additional line, that is not considered a contract right? Because that line can be cancelled at any time
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jef2kig wrote
Incoherent “hate” makes me laugh, I find it funny.
alexseiji t1_jef2mdk wrote
By the unlocked from the Apple store, bring it to store as a byo device and thats it. Youre free from the tentacles of ATT
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jef2xc9 wrote
You must have never connected to a US carrier. I have to for a bit.
MorseCodeMike t1_jef35ef wrote
Fucking hate this bull shit
ManateeJamboree t1_jef389j wrote
True. I did not.
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jef3g1c wrote
I’d understand if I were financing (installment paying) the device. But that’s not the case.
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jef3ktd wrote
Very ghetto lol
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jef45qp wrote
conscioussylling t1_jef494h wrote
The only time an Apple Store-sold device will be carrier locked is if you choose AT&T Financing. Any other option gives you a fully unlocked device. Apple’s Stores do not use the retail flex policy that Best Buy uses.
candieplace90 t1_jef49um wrote
I can confirm with absolute certainty that this is correct all phones that come from apple weather paid for in full or paid monthly with the exception of AT&T phone are automatically unlocked.
SereneFrost72 t1_jef4ibp wrote
It is always fascinating to see the difference in how consumers are treated and protected in the EU vs. the US. Evidently US consumers are not worthy of privacy, ownership, or anything else that is pro-consumer
conscioussylling t1_jef4rwq wrote
That rep is incorrect.
UnderstandingDuel t1_jef56cx wrote
Stop posting the same screenshot as if it was the gospel of god. It was one employee incorrect opinion.
conscioussylling t1_jef57vg wrote
Apple makes the policy very clear on their app/website.
sleeknub t1_jef5i15 wrote
I found out recently that Apple now charges more for phones if you buy them unlocked. The advertised price is the locked price. They didn’t do this in the past. It’s insane.
They also don’t let you take advantage of certain things if you buy unlocked…don’t remember exactly what it was, I think it was the 0% interest over 24 months using an Apple Card. I had use a workaround by purchasing online and picking up at the store. Took like 3 or 4 visits to the store to get this figure out. PITA.
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jef5wbq wrote
I was at the Apple Store and a second employee gave me the same info. He went to ask his supervisors and they were not even sure. They said 30 to 60 days. So let’s disregard what several apple employees have said now.. right?
conscioussylling t1_jef5yby wrote
This is incorrect. The only time Apple locks a device sold via their retail channels is when someone chooses to use AT&T financing. All other financing options through an Apple retail channel result in an unlocked device.
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jef67y3 wrote
It’s taking me the same time to get this figured out.. before I’m left with an unusable phone when I travel soon.
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jef6o5z wrote
There’s a ton of downvotes on this post from US consumers themselves.
Im also a US consumer. However, I travel a lot and I need to be able to use my phone everywhere.
Ideon_ t1_jef6riy wrote
How is this scam normalized in the US wtf Thank god the EU doesn’t allow this shit.
CrazyLittleSakura t1_jef6ryd wrote
AT&T is absolutely the shittiest carrier in the US. I switched from T-Mobile on a friend’s recommendation not realizing that she lives in a different area than me. Not even 6 months & all I have to show for it are complaint calls to customer service (“your house is causing the signal issues, not us”) & a locked cell phone. Soon as my contract is up I’m jumping ship.
mck2018 t1_jef6sd3 wrote
What if you buy it unlocked from best buy, then add your carrier?
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jef6zfy wrote
Bestbuy will not sell you an unlocked iPhone. For them to sell it, it has to be attached to a carrier
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jef74av wrote
I’ve read T-mobile does the same. Will have to try Verizon
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jef75qy wrote
Syonoq t1_jef7bwf wrote
If you're traveling and you just need additional sims, you can add up to 8 esims to the iPhone and have two active at any time. Don't know if that helps in this situation or not. My understanding is that if you don't activate it at Apple, and just move your esim over, it will not be locked to ATT.
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jef7ik5 wrote
I was at the Apple Store and a second employee gave me the same info. He went to ask his supervisors and they were not even sure. They said 30 to 60 days. So seems they are posting one thing and yet another thing is happening.
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jef7s70 wrote
That’s a good question. Can you use 2 different esims while the phone is considered “locked”?
mck2018 t1_jef7si2 wrote
What about an unlocked android device? Is it just Apple that does this?
hang87 t1_jef7vh5 wrote
I don’t like being restricted to a carrier so I have bought most of my iPhones from the Apple Store fully paid and unlocked. I have travelled abroad and never had the lock issue. However, with this new eSim thing, I’m not sure. I might buy an international unlocked version if I plan to upgrade. I really like the flexibility of buying a sim at the airport and swapping it when traveling abroad.
conscioussylling t1_jef7vkb wrote
Can you fathom that employees can be wrong? Is it so hard to understand that Apple does not lock devices activated on AT&T unless you choose to use AT&T financing?
kdk200000 t1_jef7wqx wrote
It's always unlocked in an apple store I think. I would be dead before I buy a locked phone
BM7-D7-GM7-Bb7-EbM7 t1_jef8fk1 wrote
It's really not difficult to get an unlocked phone in the US. This story kinda makes a mountain out of a molehill. I always get unlocked phones directly from Apple and just swap the sim or lately activate an esim.
Providers lock their phones bought through them because the vast majority of people in the US finance their phones through the provider. They simply don't want people financing phones then selling them and not paying the bill. Retailers like Best Buy do this because they're basically just middlemen for the providers. You can't buy an unlocked iPhone at Best Buy for example, all they sell is locked.
I've never heard of this AT&T taking ownership thing of unlocked phone, but one thing to note: don't everget AT&T at all. AT&T is probably the most expensive and at the same time useless provider. I have no idea why anyone has them except people like my dad who have never changed provider since he got his first cell phone in 1994 (Houston Cellular -> Cingular -> AT&T), I wouldn't be surprised if he was on some $240 for 2 lines and 5GB of data plan, he's that kind of person. Those are the only people I know who actually have AT&T.
quinnby1995 t1_jef8i54 wrote
If your near a border, buy from Canada. By law all our phones are unlocked & its illegal for a carrier to lock them.
2Adude t1_jef8j29 wrote
That's at&t only. if you buy an unlocked iPhone or Apple and you put a T-Mobile Sim or Verizon it won’t lock like that.
applestem t1_jef8wov wrote
It’s like going from one outhouse to the next trying to find one that isn’t full of crap.
Ken-Popcorn t1_jef9466 wrote
Then I wouldn’t buy it there. They are never locked at the Apple Store
Syonoq t1_jef9qga wrote
One would have to be the “locked sim” I’m afraid. As to whether the locked sim can be “non-active” I’m not sure. Will you let me know how this all pans out? I’m curious.
futuretardis t1_jefb4hv wrote
My Apple purchased phones have never had an issue. I always specified unlocked phones ever since the 3GS. My service is with AT&T and no issues changing sim cards when traveling abroad. Now with the 13 having a second electronic sim I need to see if that will also work.
matt____n t1_jefbbip wrote
T-mobile does the exact same thing. Not just an AT&T thing.
They all do it
bestdriverinvancity t1_jefbv22 wrote
Guffaws in Canadian
coldbrewer003 t1_jefbvzo wrote
AT&T techs have no idea how to fix the ability to get a bill or even view it online. I only stay because I’ve got family on my plan.
[deleted] OP t1_jefcgc4 wrote
GaryTheSoulReaper t1_jefddfc wrote
Yep, full price it was Best Buy deal and T-Mobile had “bring your own device”
Trax95008 t1_jefdeyn wrote
My phone came from apple, unlocked, on AT&T network, and even used AT&T financing… yet UNLOCKED!
Pigeon_Chess t1_jefee4q wrote
They don’t really lock devices to a network anymore here
vmackdaddy t1_jefeld0 wrote
Same here in Canada 🇨🇦 the CRTC made it so carriers can no longer lock phones to companies although we still get unfair bills but I am lucky and found a great phone company who charges a fair price
Professional_Bother9 t1_jeffvlp wrote
R u saying att locked my phone even tho I have it from Google store unlocked
Dal3488 t1_jefgcb6 wrote
This isn't just AT&T. It's been this way for a long time. Retailer Flex Policy. If you buy a device (even full price) from BB, the carrier of the sim it's activated with, is sim locked to it in the beginning.
gommerthus t1_jefggw8 wrote
Is there a reason you don't just go straight to the Apple store to buy your iPhone? They can do the carrier activation.
europeanperson t1_jefgk48 wrote
Yep same. Bought from apples website when iPhone 14 Pro came out, my carrier is AT&T and my phone was unlocked from the beginning.
nikenick28 t1_jefhcky wrote
Let me know
The_Cozy_Burrito t1_jefie0a wrote
I always buy from Apple Store directly and haven’t had any issues
Bacon-80 t1_jeflzfm wrote
You can just buy a phone that isn’t attached to a carrier. And then put a sim card or esim associated with the phone.
Salespeople confuse new buyers by making it sound like this is the only way to buy a phone but it isn’t lol. You can buy a phone - for a thousand or so dollars anywhere & then connect your service to it and it’s yours entirely no strings attached. The only time it’s attached to a plan where “unlocking” is necessary is when you have a payment plan with them.
Bacon-80 t1_jefmhpf wrote
I’ve always paid slightly higher for unlocked phones. I’ve never noticed them being the same cost because you’re paying to essentially be able to put any old SIM card into your phone and “own it” instead of “lease” it from them.
Wellcraft19 t1_jefn5bf wrote
Either model will work fine everywhere. It just won’t have full frequency support, but the vast majority of user will never notice.
Bacon-80 t1_jefn7ug wrote
The rep you’re talking do doesn’t know what they’re talking about sorry.
I’ve always bought unlocked phones from apple. The ONLY possible answer I can think of is that ever since apple switched to esim only, they may not sell unlocked phones anymore since they don’t have SIM trays. The whole reason they were able to sell unlocked phones was due to the SIM card tray. But that would be a very recent thing like as of the iPhone 14 model because 13s had SIM card trays (I have an unlocked 13 from the Apple Store and just stuck my SIM from my 12 into it)
I wouldn’t know because I got a 14 on a payment plan (locked to Verizon) because it ended up being cheaper with all the plan-specific discounts. My phone only ends up costing me $200 because it’s $5 monthly for 36 months 😅 vs $1,200 upfront for the same configuration. Maybe someone in the thread has an unlocked 14?
Bacon-80 t1_jefnfrk wrote
Yeah I’d still disregard what apple employees have said when real people in this subreddit are telling you that they got their phones unlocked.
Bacon-80 t1_jefnmef wrote
Do you know if the 14 esim models can be purchased unlocked? I have a locked one so I’m not sure how esims work with being unlocked - my guess is OP is looking at getting a 14? The 13 was the last one with a SIM card tray unless you buy an EU model of the 14.
Bacon-80 t1_jefnpzb wrote
Don’t activate it with a carrier lol. They can sell you one without it activated and then you do it yourself.
Bacon-80 t1_jefnxil wrote
This answered my question on a few other comments - I wasn’t sure if you could buy esims unlocked or not because I thought the SIM card was what kept them from being locked (wasn’t sure about ease of esim transfer - or sim to esim if you were going from a physical sim model to an esim only model)
Wellcraft19 t1_jefo1rw wrote
All true - but in all fairness, the EU has introduced rules regarding roaming, so as long as your home carrier is in the EU, the entire union is free to roam in. Same as you’d be in your home nation. One reason international usage skyrocketed after this came into play. Some carriers even extend this into the US.
Bacon-80 t1_jefo5gv wrote
When you purchase one make sure to specify that it’s not attached to a carrier/don’t answer or provide any info about your current carrier because they’ll try to get you to buy one that’s locked - they’ll advertise deals and everything but just ignore them 😂 they did that to me when I bought a MacBook trying to upsell me. Idk why tho cuz they don’t even get commission.
ISUTri t1_jefonzz wrote
Paragraphs would be nice
EffectiveLong t1_jefpea1 wrote
Something is missing or doesn’t make senses in your story. I bought couple iPhones unlocked on Apple store, and I have never had this issue. Paying full for unlocked option isn’t the same at paying full for carrier option
Biplab_M t1_jefq3qn wrote
By paying for SIM services? Regardless, I'm talking about the extra control you give to these companies like locking your device and making it a complicate task to unlock or even shift carrier
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jefqcm5 wrote
After purchasing the unlocked phones, did you use them in the US?
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jefqdxd wrote
Very true
cooguy1 t1_jefqm6p wrote
Just buy from Apple direct. I always buy phones from the manufacturer because I swap sims often and travel so having a locked phone is not an option.
LingonberryGrand1437 t1_jefrbtx wrote
I have 14 pro unlocked, purchased from Apple. I have 2 different carriers on 2 esims. Haven’t had any issues.
Bacon-80 t1_jefs1x8 wrote
Oh nice! I don’t have an unlocked one so I wasn’t sure if you could still get them like that or not (had assumed physical sims allowed unlocking.) Was it hard to go from sim to esim? Or was the process pretty easy?
nostress1101 t1_jefsbn0 wrote
It very much sounds like you don’t know what you’re talking about. You need to request the phone be unlocked by the registered carrier. Then it’s unlocked.
It’s also up to 60 days. Mine took 2 days.
AnOriginalName2021 t1_jeft8in wrote
I agree if I am paying 1100 for a phone it should not be sim locked but if I am paying 0 for the phone, the carrier is paying the 1100 and is crediting me 33 dollars each month towards the 1100 they paid then there should be a way for them to force me to keep my service with them and that is the sim lock
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jeftcj1 wrote
That’s what I’m going to do when I pick up my iPhone today from the Apple Store. Then I will go home and on the AT&T app I will select my phone number on my plan and follow the process to get an esim and change devices. Hopefully by doing it that way, it will not lock the phone.
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jeftyc5 wrote
When you purchased your phone from apple, did you put a US SIM card into it?
cooguy1 t1_jefucav wrote
I put a T-Mobile sim in it and have travelled to South America and the Caribbean using sims from multiple providers while there. I have not had an issue with locking in years I have also done this with phones purchased from Samsung and Google.
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jefud88 wrote
That’s good news. I will see today when I pick it up from the Apple Store. I am going by the info that several apple employees and AT&T employees gave me.
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jefue7i wrote
That’s good news. I will see today when I pick it up from the Apple Store. I am going by the info that several apple employees and AT&T employees gave me.
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jefuvro wrote
Are they US carriers?
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jefuy45 wrote
Yes, iPhone 14. Will find out the result later on when I pick it up from the Apple Store.
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jefv1fu wrote
Haven’t done research on Android
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jefv2i2 wrote
Very true
LingonberryGrand1437 t1_jefwwu1 wrote
Yes. I have T-Mobile and AT&T on my 14 Pro.
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jefwxek wrote
That’s good news. I will test it out today after I pick up my iPhone from the Apple Store.
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jefx2mx wrote
Nice. Well hopefully it works out that way for me too. I’ll see later today when I pick up the phone from the Apple Store
cooguy1 t1_jefxg4n wrote
I do need to add that my fiancés iPhone 14 apparently does not have a SIM card slot only esim and I do not know if there is a difference on the carriers end. My 13 does have a slot and I only use it and never have used esim before.
PerpetuallyOffline t1_jeg1cn8 wrote
I bought my 14 Pro unlocked and unactivated from Costco and activated it on T-Mobile myself at home. Then I switched carriers from T-Mobile to AT&T within 2 weeks of owning the device and had no problems whatsoever. I connected to WiFi, downloaded a new eSIM, and had service immediately. Didn't need to involve carrier support at all.
The difference seems to be how the device is sold. The unit I purchased was only sold outright as a normal product, like any other item. Devices normally sold as carrier units can be bought outright, but have this restriction.
Bacon-80 t1_jeg225i wrote
Oh yeah that looks like the right way to do it. I didn’t know how to go from physical to esim. If you’ve paid for the phone in full & apple doesn’t bait you into buying a locked one - it won’t lock. That’s only with a payment plan.
kissmeimhappy t1_jeg3945 wrote
That’s why it’s good to have me as a friend so I can unlock it for you but I have to use it for 2-3 days
IconCsr2 t1_jeg3uyo wrote
I thought it was 6 months til you could get it unlocked
rLima_Peru---Mod t1_jeg4fxz wrote
Right. I thought it would be that way also. However the Apple employee at the store told me it would be locked for 30 to 60 days. Then an Apple employee over cx support also told me the same thing.
I will be picking up my iPhone today from the Apple Store and follow similar steps that you did. Hopefully it works out.
sleeknub t1_jeg84qv wrote
No, Apple used to sell the unlocked phones for exactly the same price as the locked phones. Some of the carriers would sometimes offer discounts, but that was up to them. The unlocked price was the advertised price.
Bacon-80 t1_jegcfg0 wrote
Really? I wonder when that was cuz I’ve never seen them sold for the same price. It’s always been at or around $50-$100 difference for the phones I’ve gotten from a 6 till now.
PeTeRoCK13 t1_jeggctj wrote
Had 4 phones added to T mobile, no one of them was locked. Out of all the devices, I only had one that was on a payment plan with T mobile. The minute I paid the phone off I was able to unlock it in the app.
matt____n t1_jeggi0l wrote
That's cool and all, maybe it depends on the state or country. But I bought my last 2 phones cash and they were locked for 90 days.
PeTeRoCK13 t1_jeggone wrote
I’m in NY. That sucks that they were locked. What kills me is going back to the 6, I had no idea they locked phones. Gave 2 6s away to family overseas, they tell me the phone is locked. Had no idea what they were talking about. That was with Verizon. I paid cash for those phones from Apple. Verizon locked them.
golamas1999 t1_jeghwzr wrote
Best Buy no longer sells new unlocked iPhones unless they are refurbished models. If you go to a best buy and pay in full for an iPhone it will be carrier locked. If you plan to purchase an unlocked iPhone go strait to an Apple Store.
I would go back to Best Buy and try to return the phone. Then go to apple and pay in full or use iPhone upgrade program to finance it if you have good credit.
FirewallFrank t1_jegkkmt wrote
Verizon did the same thing when BBY sold unlocked phones. One of the only avenues to get a truly unlocked phone AND not have any carrier lock imposed is to get directly from Apple or an Apple Store.
DevynDavies t1_jegmtc0 wrote
Yeah. The CRTC is doing some good stuff in the last few years.
sleeknub t1_jegqjk1 wrote
Every time I’ve purchased a phone until the most recent one.
jmedina94 t1_jeh2vxq wrote
I have AT&T on my personal 13 Pro Max and Verizon on my work phone. Coverage of course varies and there are some areas where my AT&T service is great but Verizon can barely provide a single bar. Also, vice-versa.
I always buy my own iPhones directly from Apple though.
Loden-Moss t1_jee9lsf wrote
This is the reason I use prepaid plans like Mint Mobile or Visible.