I used to run my 8+ under the tap with some hand soap to clean it, but i haven’t done that with my 13 Pro since i got it at release.
How do you clean yours?
I used to run my 8+ under the tap with some hand soap to clean it, but i haven’t done that with my 13 Pro since i got it at release.
How do you clean yours?
Honestly, I wipe it down my shirt.
You joking right ??? :) :/ :(
It’s a very complicated process, I’m not sure you’d understand.
My phone is in a case. I use lens cleaner on the front. I take the cover off and wash it with dish detergent and water.
I take mine out of the case every so often and use windex. It has a screen protector so no damage to the screen coating.
Wet wipes and something to dry it. I also use a toothbrush to scrub out dust/dirt in the port and speaker holes.
I spray it with antibacterial fluid used to clean surfaces
Invisible glass glass cleaner and a microfiber towel.
Case all the time. Only clean on camera lens
Sometimes I wipe the screen with my shirt or rub the phone on my pants leg to get smudges off of the screen. Thats the extent of my cleaning.
I wipe it with a slightly damp cloth, then a dry cloth. Finally, I toss it in a UV light box for 5 minutes.
Blow it with a mixture of gases, including nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Whoosh and a nice microfiber cloth.
I kinda wanna clean my se2020 like that lol. Is that safe?
I have one of those PhoneSoap UV boxes that put mine in every night while I’m doing the dishes…and when it’s visibly dirty, a non-bleach Clorox wipe (that’s been rung out).
Hand soap and water sounds like the recipe for a disaster.
I put it under a glass of water with ethyl alcohol 75% for 5mins.
$20 polishing cloth. Best product Apple makes 😎
I just use the cloth that came with my glasses and it works flawlessly lol
maybe not much for wiping screen/back, But bro said “ under the tap“
I'm constantly in the dark so I don't see if it's dirty.
Absolutely not.
I don’t clean my iPhone at all. I think it still has some covid on it from 2020. Got an iPhone 11. 🦠📲✨
I put my Iphone 13 mini in to loundry once a week. No worries it is waterproof. Sorry about my typos english is not my native language.
I do not clean it.
I do this too with a toothbrush, but I dip it in iso first and shake most of it off.
Lick it and rub it on my pants
I do exactly what you do. Take it out of my case, put it in the palm of my hand and put some soap on the phone. Wash phone thoroughly and rinse with water.
The shits water proof, and it touches my hands all day. Why would I not want to clean it every so often?
I usually steam it over rice to get rid of the debris and germs
edit: on a serious note though I clean it with 70% alcohol spray with cloth
I just use the glass cleaner and cloth I got with my glasses. My screen protector is a bit of a fingerprint magnet unfortunately.
Microfiber cloth
Lol you ran your phone under water to clean it?
Alcohol wipes then wipe all areas off with a microfiber cloth. My case I wash with soapy water and a old tooth brush. Wipe dry let it sit for 30 mins. Do that once a month. My phones always look new when I trade them in.
No, soap will ruin the waterproof seals.
Alcohol wipes… microfiber cloths to remove finger prints. Running it under the tap with some hand soap is not recommended. That’s a brilliant way to liquid damage a device.
This. Turns it into a booger consistency, and let’s the water flow right in to the internal components.
Under the tap? Give it a thorough clean and chuck it in the dishwasher, mate.
Please don’t do that, especially with older iPhones. The screen gasket degrades with time which results in the phone not being waterproof anymore. Use a damp or dry cloth, that works just fine.
Tip that worked for me: Search on youtube for that speaker sounds that eject water, dip your toothbrush in iso, scrub the speaker, and then put that sound on. Cleans it so good og.
I use lens cleaning fluid and a microfiber cloth
This must be a troll… I hate the internet sometimes
Used to pop it in the dishwasher, but now I use the washing machine. Can’t beat a good tumble.
Depending on how funky it is, I’ll do it the Apple way with a slightly damp microfiber cloth, or I’ll use one of the eyeglass cleaning cloths I have laying around. If it really needs a cleaning, I’ll use a computer screen cleaning wipe first.
Remeber, these phones are water resistant, not waterproof.
Hand sanitizer and 2 Microfiber cloths. One for the hand sanitizer. The other to dry
I use two microfiber lens cleaning cloths -- one wet and one dry. I rub it with the wet one and then rub it with the dry one. I usually wipe off more than one thing, such as glasses when I do this.
You clean your phone? 🤔
I spit on it and rub it out.
Same, except I use boiling water
I have a waterproof case on it that I wipe down with electronic screen cleaner and a microfiber towel every couple days.
I dry clean it along with my suits
A clean microfiber cloth and some water
I just run it through an industrial high pressure washer
i throw it in with my load of laundry
70% alcohol solution applied on paper towel. Clean all surfaces and case with it.
Alcohol wipes in the first aid section of a drug store. About $4. Looks like a baby wipe tub. And it gets hit with medical UV-C every hour hour for about 15 minutes in my clinic room (medical massage therapist). That light kills bacteria and virus. plants too and can cause 2nd degree burns if exposed too long. Also creates ozone that I have to open the door to the outside for about 2 mins to evacuate. It’s usually in the HVAC system at a hospital. This excessive phone cleaning wasn’t intentional, it was by default.
Use at least some wet wipe to clean geez. Your iPhone might be infested with bacterias or even feces.
Interesting that there is no instructions to clean “Polishing Cloth” itself…
Tip and alcohol-lightly on the button! Clean the back, sides, and glass.
Q tip I meant
For a quick clean, I just wipe it with my shirt. For a more in-depth clean, I use alcohol wipes and clean my phone and case.
Breathe on it?
wet a microfiber so it’s wet, but not soaking. then, use another dry microfiber to polish. last, keep a third microfiber below the phone when ur doing this so it’s not scratched on a table, etc.
I’ll use a disinfecting wipe periodically. And an old soft bristle toothbrush to clean the speakers and charge port
I clean mine by using PC/keyboard/mouse wipes… seems a sensible idea.
Everything in the world is infected with bacteria. Wait until you hear what the inside of your pockets are filled with, or door handles, cups at restaurants, etc.
Sure, if something specific arises I’ll clean my phone, but common every day bacteria is the least of my worries.
In fact, over sanitizing leads to stronger, more resistant bacteria.
damp towel, wipe it down, wipe it down again with dry towel
Clorox wipe
Rub it on my pants
Use a bit of alcohol (at least 70%) in a cloth, that's all. Under the tap is HEAVY
I put a bit alcohol on a tissue and rub it.
Just pop it in the dishwasher.
I just put it under a warm tap with my finger over the charging port. Gives it a relatively good clean then i dry it up with a cloth thing(iphone 11 pro : it is water proof but i dont want that port filled with water notification stopping charging)
I clean my iPhone daily with Clorox wipes.
I usually listen to podcasts in the shower. Afterward I’d use my semi damp towel to wipe it down. Done and done.
alcohol wipes
wet wipes for screens
u have to replace it every time u used it
With one from Apple that only costs $49.99.
I don’t use alcohol wipes because I’ve read that it can damage the oleophobic coating on your screen. Instead I use the Whoosh spray with a microfibre towel
Fart on it.
magic eraser. the stuff they use at Apple store
what is this?
I just use glass cleaner with a microfiber cloth. The whole phone is basically just glass.
We have a first aid kit at work and there are Antibacterial wipes that I will wipe it down with and I use the air hose at work as well to gently spray the buttons, charging port, etc. after that I’ll take a lens cleaner wipe and wipe the screen.
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser
Microfiber cloth to clean screen. A teensy bit of water on problem areas, followed up with microfiber cloth drying. I maybe take the case off once a year to dust. BE CAREFUL when cleaning the screen as you may damage the oleophobic coating if using any liquid other than water.
Microfiber cloth and if it really needs it an alcohol swab as well.
A soft toilet paper/duster rinsed with tap water will do the trick.
Haaaaaa! ha ha ha!! Ain't nobody stealing that phone for sure.
ha ha Happy Weekend.
I wash mine with some soap sunder running water.
I’m not even joking. They’re waterproof. Been doing it for years with zero issues.
Apple cider
Whoosh! Spray and the cloth it comes with.
Sometimes I’ll wash my phone case with a bit of dish soap under the tap, but never ever my phone.
I spray grain alcohol on the screen, or you can use alcohol wipes. Removes the grime and bacteria.
Running Water???
i just rinse my iPhone under the tap, and use the polishing stuff the apple store uses, it’s called WHOOSH!
I keep mine clean always so I don’t have clean it only the front camera from dust with a microfiber and the screen from fingerprints lol no Cheeto fingers
Alcohol wipes
I do the same with my iPhone XR. I just run it under the tap with soap and water
I do exactly the same thing
Washing with soap is the best as long as you get phone replaced once a year
I use a good microfiber cloths and drip some rubbing alcohol onto the microfiber. Then I wipe down my phone and then I ‘polish’ the glass by using another microfiber sprayed lightly with Invisible Glass. It’s a great glass cleaner, and i wipe down the front and back and use another part of that same microfiber that’s drier, and buff any residue till the glass is clean and not showing any haze. Done this for years and it definitely has worked well for me.
That's the right answer
If you use too strong of rubbing alcohol, like the 80-90% strong kind, it can do the same. Not always, but it can happen. When repairing and replacing those seals, you tend to use 99% or straight up acetone to remove them. I used to go home from work with those adhesive boogers all over my sleeves, it's a nightmare.
It has oleophobic coating so it doesn’t need that much care.
Ahh the magic cloth, gets rid of all my scratches
You know, when I used to repair phones, I had people come into my store all the time who would clean their phone like that. I do not recommend that at all. They'd come in cuz it would stop working because the water pressure can be too much for those seals, they were meant to protect from still, standing water, not pressurized water. They'd get mad and tell me I was wrong cuz the phones are "waterproof". Not waterproof, just water resistant, there's a big difference there. Just use 70% iso, or even hand sanitizer, honestly. Hand sanitizer works incredibly well thanks to the water and glycerin content, gunk comes right off, and most hand sanitizer is around 60% so it won't ruin the oleophobic coating on your screen.
This, 100000%
Upvoting and replying for visibility, this is the right answer.
Sadly, more common than you think. Instead of "water resistant", people tend to hear "waterproof"
You can use eyeglass wipes, a microfiber cloth, alcohol swabs, or similar non-abrasive cleaning methods.
So crazy to me. I like stuff to last. Rocking the xr still.
Windex or an industrial cleaner will clean off ALL fingerprints and leave no film. Looks like It came out of the box
It feels so nice after cleaning with it.
So is my nephew, he just got a warranty replacement a couple months back. He doesn't want an upgrade lol
Glasses wipes or hand sanitizer with my shirt.
I usually wipe it with a Clorox wipe
I use WHOOSH! screen cleaner with their cloths.
The best stuff !!
Rubbing alcohol
Theres a oficial polishing cloth that costs $29.99
I just use those like beauty care little cotton balls and some isopropyl alcohol, works like a charm but I wouldn’t use higher than 71% as most phones come with a coating nowadays and alcohol could maybe strip it
You did what?
Put it in the dishwasher.
dskatter t1_jeeay05 wrote