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Simon_787 t1_jcm7yzh wrote

Honestly, idk man. I think picking up a used phone that's even older isn't a bad idea... at least if it doesn't hold you back in any significant way.

Right now I'm using a Pixel 5, which is also a bit older and technically worse than my other phone too.


BeatYoYeet t1_jcma7g8 wrote

if I don’t want the latest and greatest…? you right. i don’t even use it properly nowadays. which is why i’m eyeballing an iPad + Apple Pencil for $299 @ Target

But I am not a fan of the newer iPhones, because the camera lens steaks out so far that their own cases don’t protect them

At this point there just for saying more hardware in the same amount of space instead of making it flush

With that being said… I’m still by 15 if I downgrade lol