Short_Guy1104 t1_jdepfeo wrote
Which OS do you prefer?
elguaposghost05 t1_jdeptq0 wrote
I use iPhone, but only because it is a little more private than the standard Google Android OS. The most private, of course, would be a de-Googled Android.
Huge_Medium3418 t1_jdeqdmu wrote
Yeah true but I just wanna see
DarthMauly t1_jdeqf4m wrote
1981-yoshi t1_jderzqp wrote
Only you can make that decision. If you’re invested in the Apple ecosystem then iPhone will obviously suit you better. If you’re more invested into the windows & android world, then I guess Samsung would be better for you, unless you’re looking for a new experience.
witnessthelight t1_jdet4n6 wrote
It’s a matter of personal taste that only you can decide. Just be careful not to regret it. This sub is full of posts from people asking why their new iPhone doesn’t do this’n’that like their old android did.
Android and iOS are different, and the choice is solely yours.
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anythingmakessence t1_jdep4s3 wrote
You’re in an iPhone sub, so everyone is gonna say iPhone.