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cd247 t1_jdlacrp wrote

Why is it sometimes I get my top (home) email and other times I get my 2nd and 3rd (work and school)?


Bacon-80 t1_jdlelvi wrote

I'm not entirely sure but my guess would be that frequently visited websites can detect a pattern maybe? For the email that may be more commonly used on its domains and suggest similar? Not really sure tbh.


cd247 t1_jdlgv8o wrote

I don’t know either. I don’t think it’s that though because I never use my school email since I graduated. Most of the time it just shows my “home” email address though so it’s not a huge issue. The only annoying thing is that usually when it doesn’t pop up, text replacement shortcuts don’t work either


Bacon-80 t1_jdmq2we wrote

Oh really? I didn’t know about the shortcuts not working cuz I was gonna suggest having like @@ be a shortcut 😓


SexySalamanders t1_jdlvnuq wrote

I believe iOS is trying to be „smart” and predict which e-mail you’ll want to use instead of just allowing you to force it to always suggest the one you set as the default one…