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Suretime_sus t1_jeb3fnm wrote

you WISH they’d add a feature that basic and easy to implement!


SomeGadgetGuy t1_jeb8bas wrote

Because a lot of people don't clear every message, and some services like to organize email into categories where it's not critical to clear your inbox. And the phone just lumps that all into one big number as seen in the screenshot of this post.


WritersGift t1_jeb92zw wrote

Ah, ok, i guess i just use them differently. I always instantly unsubscribe out of everything I don’t want on my main emails and only keep the notifications on for the inboxes I want, so my ”trash” emails don’t show up on the number.


secondbushome t1_jebe39s wrote

I did that when I had a jailbroken iPhone and it looked clean AF. I wish they’d offer the option stock but I imagine this is one of those ‘protecting users from themselves’ kinda thing


Any-Listen-1867 t1_jebe4mm wrote

You can technically do this by creating a shortcut for each app. When you create the shortcut you just don’t give it a name. A little annoying and take work but it looks pretty good when done. But it does mean it won’t show notification bubbles on the app icon.


Wintercult t1_jebirjv wrote

Why are you bothered about the text while you have over 25.000 emails? O right, YOU DON’T READ.


seira87 t1_jebk59s wrote

I used to do this back in the jailbreak days.


mb3581 t1_jebplrh wrote

I mean...why not just turn notification badges off at that point?


jthrilldr t1_jecjyzv wrote

Your email app is giving me agita


mydnytefantasy89 t1_jecs57a wrote

Came looking for this comment. Wasn't sure how many people remembered this. Man, that was like ios 7 days. I used to have those glyph icons and no app names, my home screen looked so damn clean back then.


mydnytefantasy89 t1_jecscpy wrote

Well, ish. Looked into it recently, a lot seems to have changed. I think up to like 16.1 can be jailbroken, something like that. Seems most jailbreaks aren't untethered though, so once you restart your phone, you have to go through the jailbreak process again. Easier the second time around when it's already set up, still a pain though


gommerthus t1_jedduo4 wrote

Turn off the notification badge for mail. You don't check it anyways.


Hermes3978 t1_jedpnl7 wrote

Tim here STFU this is not what you want, because I said so. Just because of this shit a 100 bucks more for the new to come iphone 15.


FreakG175 t1_jedps70 wrote

I got my phone jailbroken till iPhone X. Every time you restart you need a computer to redo the jailbreak. Later it was an app. But the JB were pretty stable. So you could get 30 days of uptime with it.


mydnytefantasy89 t1_jedqlnh wrote

Hey, that's nice. I haven't jailbroken anything in a couple years. Switched to Android for necessary reasons, and I don't mind it. Kinda miss having an iphone, kinda fine without it. I always try to stay up to date though, fixing phones and whatnot. The older blackra1n untethered ones would crash often for me, it was annoying. I still did it though, I was addicted to icon packs lol never had more than a week of uptime myself, probably had bad tweaks or just too many, I could never help myself.


keshab_passa t1_jedu6xu wrote

You’ve got bigger problems than words under icons


eurosonly t1_jee4gcy wrote

No but there was a tweak you could get in Cydia after jail breaking.


RWTF t1_jeea14a wrote

Not sure if you care, but as a fellow unread email person, you can have it so that specific things like email don’t have a number. I got used to seeing nothing there after a week.

Settings -> notifications -> mail -> badges

No judgement if you don’t care but someone posted this on Reddit the other day so figured I’d pass along the tech tip.


TheSadLifeOfADreamer t1_jeec9z8 wrote

newer iPhones (A12 and after) don’t have the security exploits in ios 16 that jailbreak developers need in order for them to develop a jailbreak method. my 11 is jail broken on ios 14.4 but it can’t be jail broken on ios 16 as of yet to my knowledge. every iphone (A11 and before) can be jailbroken regardless of ios version but it’ll be untethered. the chips have been getting harder and harder to get into (code wise) to find a way around the security “checkpoints” apple has implemented.

add the fact that jailbreak devs get less and less incentive every year to sit down and code for hours, and the truth is the community has been dying a slow death. sad but the days of finding a tweak for every single thing you wanted customized is gone. no one knows if they’re ever be a jailbreak release for ios 17 when it does come out.


svgd3z1 t1_jef379s wrote

Lmao it’s an iPhone. You can’t customize anything.