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colemaker360 t1_jdp4e35 wrote

Apple Music hasn’t figured out how not to restart a song when you create a genius playlist from it. Apple Music hasn’t figured out how to show you song popularity ratings except in the music store. Apple Music hasn’t figured out how to stop playing artists when you always thumbs down their crap. It’s like they got to “good enough” 5 years ago and haven’t done anything good with it since.


AWF_Noone t1_jdr5x8f wrote

Yup. I keep waiting for Apple software to get better but I’m always left disappointed. Instead we get useless features like SharePlay.

Hey Apple, let fix broken things like Siri, Weather, and HomeKit first. Then let’s focus on the half baked things like Apple Music and Notifications. Then we can add fun things like karaoke and black history wallpapers


TakenToTheRiver t1_jdrcn4o wrote

I’d really like to switch to Apple One / Apple Music, but it’s things like this that keep me on Spotify.


BobbyCondarco t1_jdrki5p wrote

Isn’t it intentional? You’re not supposed to be handling a phone while driving.


BroodPlatypus OP t1_jdrm5fk wrote

Passengers exists. Also if the driver is queuing up songs doesn’t that mean less time looking at the screen? Because the alternative to queuing is picking each song one after another. I would queue 5 or 6 songs and not look at the phone again.

ALSO if you connect it to cars bluetooth the queuing works. What about the charging cable makes it more dangerous?