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RaZkOL95 t1_je1nfh6 wrote

Pro if u can get it. It’s always a little better


kickstand t1_je1pvkh wrote

Do any of the features of the 14 particularly appeal to you? Better camera, emergency sos via satellite?


RingAltruistic7662 t1_je1uwe2 wrote

I’d go with the Pro for that ProMotion display. 13 pro is still good. If you can fork a bit more cash the 14 pro is pretty sweet too


Oahuisland2 t1_je1vh1x wrote

how much are you saving to justify buying a 13 instead of a 14?


DevynDavies t1_je1zz8e wrote

13 Pro in good condition is the best option right now in my opinion. I love mine.


NewfieChemist t1_je2o88p wrote

I’d say the 13 or the 13 pro is just fine. Pro motion isn’t anything to write home about.

I have a 14 PM with an automation to turn on low power mode along with the sleep focus at a certain time, that shuts down the 120Hz and reverts to 60Hz and I honestly hardly notice a difference during normal use. So I’d say maybe look at the other features and see if they’re worth it.


whyreadthis2035 t1_je2zznn wrote

It’s all about price point. Go pro, if you have the dough.


American-Repair t1_je32pkc wrote

12pro gives you all the 13 and 14 gen advantages without the island and other gimmicks at a much better price. Newest iPhones are always the worst value…


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