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being_igor t1_iubtked wrote

That’s the whole point of the feature.


Polrous t1_iuc1evf wrote

If someone unsent a message, there was probably a good reason why. The window is 2 minutes so honestly it’s either a mid-send and meant for not your eyes, there was an error and the person wants to unsend and then type the message again or it’s not relevant anymore like maybe they asked a question and then answered it themselves before you got to reply.

This is the feature working as intended, why do you want to know what was said so badly? You could always ask too if you really want to know.


-bobak t1_iuc4rqf wrote

I could be mistaken, but if you keep a device on iOS 15 I think you would technically retain all versions


Flair_Helper t1_iuddwkx wrote

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