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t1_iu6vibm wrote

Ok, just for the record (for readers), this is not an extrapolation. By definition. The poster (@Temetzcoatl) apparently does not understand the english language.. lol. The meaning of words is important, and I would encourage more people to research this. I don't see any of these bullies on r/iphone attacking Leonardo's "Renaissance man", and claiming that there are no meaningful observations (or measurements) about the human body because some people are taller than others... lol. Yet you see the same borderline slow reasoning posted here, obviously from people that struggle with even the most basic logic.

I am still waiting for to explain how this is an "extrapolation", and I wait anxiously insofar as that is literally impossible. He's got an iPhone 14 PRO though (and a stamp for us all to know!) so apparently he's a big deal. Shame on the rest of us. :/


t1_iu6xyxi wrote

To extrapolate is to take known quantities (e.g. your experience with the iPhone 6.1 inch size) and apply them to unknown quantities (the general experience of the general population of iPhone users).

You complain about how you have trouble reaching the top of the 6.1 inch screen, and that’s fine, that’s your experience. But you’re very dramatic about how they didn’t keep the dimensions of the human hand in mind when designing the 6.1 model. But human hands don’t have a definitive dimension (defined as measurements height, length, depth, etc). Sure, there is a certain range of common proportions (for instance, your thumb is probably not longer than your middle finger), but you’re not talking proportions. You specifically said dimensions.

And I don’t care to have a whole debate about whether one is right or wrong. You have users here mentioning that since the sales for 6.1 and 6.7 inch size options for smartphones tends to outpace the sales for the smaller devices you’re begging for, it can be assumed that those 6.1 and 6.7 devices are more popular.

You keep trying to pull people into debating whether one is right or wrong or correct or better. But this is a discussion board, not a debate team. I don’t think anyone here really cares or has an opinion as to which is objectively better. We all just know what’s better for /us/ as individual users. And that’s what we are all commenting on, more or less. But you’re taking everything as a personal hit. Every downvote as a judge of your character. But fake internet points don’t matter.

And as far as those who are resorting to name calling (yourself included, calling mr cock and balls a “big boy” quite sarcastically), there’s really no need.

It’s all a waste of time. None of this matters. Keep chatting away to yourself. You’re making yourself look like a fool by visiting and revisiting this post after no one has responded to you.

And yes, I flaired that I have a 14 pro. But it doesn’t matter, six weeks ago my flair said XR. I don’t think it makes me better than anyone. I have my flair so that when I comment or post in this subreddit, people can see what my experiences are based on. We get you’re unhappy with the offerings. But that doesn’t mean that everyone else is, too.


t1_iue9uaa wrote

The concept of dimensions ties in with proportions, so I'm not sure what point you're making. Of course I am aware of what extrapolation means, but thank you. The very fact that you post the definition (lol) suggests to me that that either went completely over your head or in fact you and others are the ones extrapolating all the while suggesting that I am. And of course the latter's the case.

The fact remains that there are avg dimensions (and yes, by extension, proportions!) to the human hand. Given that, it seems reasonable we may have an intelligent conversation about designing a mobile device meant to fit in your hand. The fact of random fanboys, some of whom like you have exhibited bullying behavior (what a surprise) coming in here and telling me that it doesn't fit their hand is irrelevant, or that I am somehow talking in terms of "extrapolation" when I speak of statistical averages. I'm really not sure where you're getting lost.

To put it more plainly, the SE Gen1 fit better in more people's hands. Yes, because of the dimensions of the avg hand. And yes, because of the proportions of the avg hand. The definition of proportion follows from dimension (it's a ratio of measurments). If human hands somehow had the same proportions but there was nothing meaningful we could say about their average size (statistically speaking) then you would have a point. But that's not the reality, and I certainly hope you're not suggesting it is. The avg iphone user cannot use an iphone 14 in one hand comfortably or such that they can reach the entire screen. The thumb cannot swipe (in right hand) from bottom left to top right. Does that mean no one can do it? Of course not.. that much is obvious. But again, stop literally doing what you claim I'm doing (extrapolating rather than speaking in terms of statistical averages) and then claiming that somehow refutes my logic. It doesn't. You came in here to attack/ridicule me with your comment - an obvious strawman. And it didn't work out. If you can intelligently refute the arguments above.. go for it. Unless you're going to come up with new definitions for these words or somehow change how science works (you know, basic math), I don't imagine you're going to have much success.


t1_iuebnqd wrote

>You have users here mentioning that since the sales for 6.1 and 6.7 inch size options for smartphones tends to outpace the sales for the smaller devices you’re begging for, it can be assumed that those 6.1 and 6.7 devices are more popular.

I agree with you here.. that is literally the definition of "popular". Yet again though, I'm not sure what point you're making. I did suggest a truth to another poster, which was that people purchasing things doesn't tell you why they're purchasing them. That would be making assumptions. And when you make assumptions, you make mistakes.

I agree with you though that, yes, by definition a thing that is in greater demand is "more popular". So high five there.


t1_iu6wdxq wrote

It's obviously fed his ego, and he's more than comfortable subjugating and putting down others. We're left to wonder what insecurities he may be entertaining, and while I think I have a good comprehension, I'm not going to lay that out here. I do hope he learns to make it not quite so obvious.