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t1_iu2v8yf wrote

Carrot Weather. Homicidal weather forecasts.


t1_iu35toi wrote

Would you say Carrot is still worth it with Apple improving their weather app?


t1_iu51wv1 wrote

if you care more about weather than the average person, 100%. the iOS 16 weather app gives more than enough information for most people. CARROT has a lot more customization and personality, and if you don't want to pay for Ultra you can use a nice free radar app like MyRadar for your radar needs (if you live in the US or Australia)


t1_iu3ms72 wrote

Kind of wanna move to Carrot weather just cause of their live activity that can show up on the dynamic island. Still not sure if Apple weather is better tho.


t1_iu6lh96 wrote

Not a user of it, but I’d say absolutely not. Dark Sky was awesome and apple’s now integrated that.


t1_iu69aa9 wrote

apple have dark sky now and its gonna be in the default weather app for free, also, paying for widgets 😹😹


t1_iu6orwu wrote

Just adding my 2¢. Dark Sky has never been accurate for my area, so I like being able to use other sources. Plus, I personally don’t like Apple/Dark Sky’s radar.


t1_iu3ap0q wrote

I moved away from it, i mostly like the mystery location game
