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wojtek30 t1_it76cp4 wrote

Same here, it started with iOS 16 for me


macchiato_kubideh t1_it76hzp wrote

same here, my 8 and my wife's SE2. often when trying to open the camera from the home screen, or navigating in other places in the phone while on FaceTime. Searching via spotlight takes forever too, but I think that's just stupidly written search algorithm, because the phone is responsive, just not delivering search results.


serge_kills t1_it76m0b wrote

Try to force restart it. If it doesn’t resolve this issue, try to restore your iPhone using the Finder or iTunes on a computer. If you don’t have a computer, you can borrow someone’s or go to the Apple Store.


Flair_Helper t1_it78eeg wrote

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