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Training_Comfort_430 OP t1_iu2sham wrote

How tho cause they are still under contract I think. I was gonna pay a company to network unlock them cause in the rural area I live there isn’t service with attn


infinityandbeyond75 t1_iu2t3ke wrote

Only the carrier can unlock them. So you signed a contract? Tell I would call AT&T and keep asking for supervisors that can do something. At least let you out of the contract or unlock the phones or something. Even though they were sold by another company, AT&T handles the payments and the phones and the contracts.


Training_Comfort_430 OP t1_iu2v69q wrote

Right otherwise I was going to pay some to Change the imei number I had to do that once when someone sold me a phone that they said it was paired off but it wasn’t and it got a blacklisted imei blacklist
