Raz_ghul t1_iybu7q8 wrote
Because with technology, everything is possible
shallowfrychocolate t1_iybudao wrote
good luck
PeanutButterChicken t1_iybz6eh wrote
"I don't have friends, you shouldn't have any either"
just_me_for_now t1_iybzaxy wrote
cr0wit0 t1_iyc0h2e wrote
You think social media = friends?
You live in small world
No-Awareness-1834 t1_iyc65lp wrote
Lol, great going showing people you don’t have friends. 100% of my friends talk on some instant messaging app.
TheKillOrder t1_iye50uu wrote
Just because one shares this thought doesn’t mean all people do. Not to mention some of us rely on things like Facebook or Insta for business/hobbies/local news
shallowfrychocolate t1_iybtxpe wrote
why do you think that’s even possible?