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Josh_Butterballs t1_ixp0bam wrote

Very likely a hardware issue. You could try to connect to a computer and restore but after that if it’s not working still then it’s pretty much what I would chuck up to as hardware. If it's a 12 and above then the store can do a rear system repair which would probably cost a lot without applecare or some kind of coverage. If it's an older phone they can only replace the whole phone which would also be expensive.


Dense_Pudding3375 OP t1_ixp0ku1 wrote

Oh boy. Don’t have applecare for my iPhone 12 but do have AT&T coverage. Let’s hope that works


Josh_Butterballs t1_ixp0t5l wrote

You probably have to file a claim with assurant(?), they’ll probably make you pay a deductible I think, and then they’ll send you a refurbished unit. The deductible isn’t cheap iirc (at least $100) but it’s much better than paying $550ish for a rear system or whole phone from apple


Dense_Pudding3375 OP t1_ixp0xoc wrote

Only issue is that I’ve used the deductible twice already 😬. Whelp, thanks for your help diagnosing the problem.


Josh_Butterballs t1_ixp1akh wrote

Do you pay your cellphone bill with a credit card? Some credit cards cover accidents and theft/loss for phones on your plan if you pay your bill with it. Some credit cards also extend your warranty if you bought the decide with the credit card.

If you don’t have one that does this and are interested I can name a few that do this


Dense_Pudding3375 OP t1_ixp1o0t wrote

Im not out of the house yet so my dad deals with all that stuff. They just made me pay for the previous deductibles (which is fair cause its my fault for pancaking the phone) I’ll have to bring this up with him tomorrow.


Josh_Butterballs t1_ixp1ve2 wrote

Ah gotcha. If he does pay with one that covers it then he would just need to open a claim with the card company. Then get it repaired/replaced at apple and as long as you pay for the repair/replace with the same credit card they’ll issue a credit to cover the cost.

Good luck!