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dskatter t1_iy8tky7 wrote

Is your name Casey?


4d3d3d3__Engaged t1_iy8uofh wrote

There’s a couple notification settings that you can toggle on/off for iMessage. One of those settings is a specific notification if someone mentions your name.

This is helpful for a like a group text that you have muted, for example. You would get notified if someone said your name in there even though the chat is silenced.


65D0S t1_iy91rg2 wrote

Casey wake up! I don’t like this…Casey wake up!


Wylde117 t1_iy92g99 wrote

When your mom typed "Casey", she has tapped on the contact displayed in the suggested word bar which highlights it in blue like this.


brokenfl t1_iy97e8y wrote

follow the white Rabbit.


BonnieLozanie t1_iy9d3e3 wrote

It means you’re saved as a contact in their iPhone.


mt1337 t1_iy9g5mn wrote

that's just the @ mention in iMessage. You can get it by typing @<your-contact-name>


aliensmadeus t1_iy9g70o wrote

massages from outside the matrix are either imessage nor SMS, they're native quantum and therefore in grey. (names get resolved via dna to the host and therefore are hyperlinked)

*unnesessary fly-away


Paranomac t1_iy9hnlu wrote

Casey wake up it's almost 2pm!


Viicafc t1_iy9lnt4 wrote

Username checks out.

However! It is when you “@“ someone


BostonAz21 t1_iy9mw0j wrote

Because it’s a link for contact info


[deleted] t1_iy9otbg wrote

Blue letters/grey bubble means a contact was mentioned.

Also you need to pay one of those chicks who do beat producer tags to say “WAKE UP C4SEY” now…


ricketyrick1 t1_iy9pmvy wrote

Do you have a cat? Seems like something a cat would do…


loudmelon21 t1_iy9q6jd wrote

new feature with iphones letting you know that your name was mentioned


Penumbruh_ t1_iy9vux3 wrote

You are correct! This feature was added alongside the focus mode features and was poised as a way to take break and tailor you phone to certain times of the day but also still be reachable in cases of emergencies (via tagging in iMessage)


GtheCi t1_iy9wv7m wrote

Follow the white rabbit


n8best t1_iy9xwwu wrote

It broken!?


didyoucurbthewheels t1_iy9z4nz wrote

Hold up, you’re telling me my name will turn blue if it’s typed?


stevrevv59 t1_iya07t3 wrote

You can do it too! As long as they’re saved in your contacts and you are messaging them directly or in a group chat. It’s kind of like tagging them if you’ve ever worked with MS Teams or similar.


Trickybuz93 t1_iya18hr wrote

It’s like if you’re tagging someone in your message (as long as they’re saved in your contacts)


KingOfTheCouch13 t1_iyahqlm wrote

If you're reading this, you've been in a coma for almost 20 years because of a car accident. We're trying a new technique. We don't know where this message will end up in your dream, but we hope we're getting through. Please wake up, Casey.


SkepticalHikerr t1_iyal0pt wrote

If you write your contacts name and then hold it and let go you’ll be able to do the same. If your contact is John smith, write John, hold it and let go, then you’ll be able to do it


ipianomantann t1_iyaul6x wrote

How do some of you survive a normal day outside? Like - you couldn’t figure this out?


buck_blue t1_iyav7ok wrote

What is the point of it though? I saw someone else say it’s like tagging someone. But if you’re already texting them, they’re tagged, are they not? Group text could be useful if it notifies that person and that person alone, but you could just send a regular text at that point.


buck_blue t1_iyaw1qs wrote

In a group chat? Is the initial notification not good enough anymore? Like sending a text to someone is the ultimate “@“.. I can’t seem to find any functional use with it, but I’ve only tried it texting with my SO.


kejok t1_iyb6k1t wrote

Casey wake up. I dont like this


Dexrad24 t1_iyb6o4h wrote

@[name] automatically bolds it. Just typing in the name of the recipient, your phone would prompt you if you wanna bold it (for pinging). You can try it right now on iMessage


cjh6793 t1_iyb9ac3 wrote



locololus t1_iybdn1k wrote

They mentioned you. When the letters are Bildes it means someone mentioned someone they did @Casey and it did it.


Feralpudel t1_iybg3q8 wrote

My weird tech-phobe husband discovered this by accident and I couldn’t figure out why the hell his messages were being sent quietly and loudly (and of course he certainly didn’t know). The bubbles were also hilarious. For a while there he was an imessage version of boomer facebook.


AHrubik t1_iybhpf8 wrote

You can control to focus distance of Portrait mode in the camera app using the circle "f" button that appears in the upper righthand corner of the app.


guardiansword t1_iybk6j0 wrote

… Your Government Has You … follow the blue bird called twitter 😄


gedankensex t1_iyblc6q wrote

😶‍🌫️ does it have to be blue


ike54ato t1_iybmz9n wrote

Can anyone explain why this happened to me with the words “the shampoo” as that is definitely not my name?


xela0422 t1_iybq2zk wrote

Maybe click it and it might do something??


juanmiindset t1_iybr8q6 wrote

You can do this by doing @Name of person in chat or message


fffffanboy t1_iybs458 wrote

yes. you did.

source: i looked at casey’s screen snap.


nickyg1028 t1_iybwmvz wrote

Idk if anyone’s said it already but only the messages you send go in the colored bubbles. Everyone’s messages to you show up as grey


chrisv267 t1_iybzu1u wrote

Go to settings -> messages and scroll to the bottom of the page. There’s a setting called Notify Me, you have that enabled if your name in your phone is Casey


AncestralSpirit t1_iyc4xvk wrote

Hey can I ask a quick question? I only ask because I know also of someone who wakes up very late in the afternoon (like no amount of alarms can wake them up). Or is it one type of thing? I tried all sorts of things for them, but they need at least 12 hours at night and then can even fall asleep in the evening as well. Meanwhile I can wake up from my neighbor sneezing.


[deleted] t1_iyc6u7d wrote

You’re in the upside down Chrissy, oops, I mean Casey


caricatoa t1_iyc9wik wrote

“It’s the first of the month”


mum4519 t1_iycjr6j wrote

Let’s talk about why you’re sleeping at 130pm Casey…


jmarston4 t1_iycz1nd wrote

Blue letters? GRAY BUBBLE?!? Unless you want to have your phone explode in your pocket, destroy it IMMEDIATELY!!



bubbib2 t1_iydd7ae wrote

it's just somebody tagging you. how is this its own thread.


fabioirl t1_iydgolq wrote

Sent by a Nokia 3310 perhaps.


Ok-Antelope-1923 t1_iydjxl7 wrote

Casey wake up! The call is coming from inside the house! 🤣