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-K9V t1_j1rivn6 wrote

It’s cancer and nothing but a Chinese data farm. Kids brains are rotting away thanks to that spyware crap. Fuck Tiktok.


danyaylol t1_j1rrtgv wrote

Ah yes blame app for being addicted/being “brainwashed” instead of yourself.


-K9V t1_j1rt8uv wrote

I never did that. I just said the app was a bunch of Chinese crap spyware - which it absolutely is. And don’t you think they’ve meticulously created every little detail with the intent of keeping people scrolling for as long as possible? It’s kinda like what TV used to be, but modernized for the “techy” youth IMO. Just turn it on and infinite content streams into your eyes until you pass out.

These kids live off of Tiktok. They dress the same, they buy the same food/drinks, it’s like they’re all clones of each other. Same clothing style, same haircut, same dangling earring in their left ears. Same oversized 2000’s gangster jeans. Same baggy, ripped up 4th hand clothing. Individuality is dead.