curiousitymdg t1_j2etbzr wrote
I’m waiting to see if it improves. Forecasts have been iffy lately.
ottoofc t1_j2exbe3 wrote
For where I live, the weather app showed yesterday that max temp tomorrow (today) would be 4C today but actual max was 11C.
clojrinauo t1_j2f8khy wrote
Sounds about right
clojrinauo t1_j2f8jnv wrote
But why kill Dark Sky? What’s the point?
tubezninja t1_j2fhfx1 wrote
They bought dark sky for the API and that's pretty much it. They don't want to maintain two weather apps, especially one that wasn't made with their design principles in mind.
Not defending the decision, just relaying the (very likely) philosophy.
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