Im sorry if this has already been discussed, but what is Apple planning for Dark Sky? I’ve been using it for a long time and really enjoy the interface.
lbcadden3 t1_j0vwlhe wrote
mr_Ohmeda OP t1_j0vzdzt wrote
Yeah ☹️. What’s the next best thing?
[deleted] t1_j0wdth9 wrote
reberan3 t1_j0wekf8 wrote
Hi! Where do you pull your weather data from?
weathergraph t1_j0wf6hk wrote
Free version gets, paid app adds Apple Weather, open-meteo, and Foreca - all of them aggregate many national weather sources plus some smartness into one place. Foreca is imo really good in Europe and North America.
soumyasishdutta t1_j0wmugh wrote
Apple weather is now Dark Sky powered.
mr_Ohmeda OP t1_j0wos8f wrote
But the dark sky interface is soooo much better than Apple weather
soumyasishdutta t1_j0wpkh6 wrote
But yeah for sure it’s gone in 2023.
gadgetluva t1_j0wtof8 wrote
I use Carrot, and liked it enough to pay the $29 annual subscription for the most feature rich tier. I’ve basically stopped using Dark Sky and use Carrot now, and a little bit of Apple Weather.
mr_Ohmeda OP t1_j0xchdt wrote
I’ll give it a look. Thanks
251Cane t1_j0xnqtz wrote
Overlook is pretty basic but looks really nice
mr_Ohmeda OP t1_j13vrnx wrote
I don’t know for sure since they said that after the app is discontinued, the API disappears sometime in March (I think) .
jz05 t1_j0vt0vn wrote
I believe it’s going away at the end of the year. Sad times indeed….