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Stephen_NM2022 t1_j2e26k3 wrote

It is just a garden variety example of what happens when an intense light source reflects off the sensor and then back onto the sensor from the interior surface of the exterior lens protector (the exterior glass is a protector, not a lens). Assuming there is no residue on the protector that is enhancing refection (not likely to do anything anyway) it is completely normal. Note how the patterns replicate the light source in all three photos. Simply put, the glass and sensor are creating their own version of a hall of mirrors effect. That is as textbook as that gets in the digital camera world. DSLRs and mirrorless cameras control for it (to an extent) by using anti-reflective coatings and additional lens elements (and changing aperture) but even they are susceptible under the right conditions or will just kill contrast across the entire frame. Smaller lenses and sensors reflect differently because they do not let in as much light.

BTW, yes, your Galaxy S10 did do that (and more) just with other types of light and different effects (I owned one). Smaller lens plus smaller sensor means less opportunity for certain issues but they were and are still present. If you want an analogy, hang a pocket mirror on a wall next to a full wall mirror and point a flashlight at the wall (or even turn on a lamp). Unless the light source happens to be in the right position, which is going to prominently reflect the light? As for the S10 series, point one directly at a focused light source like a street light and you get versions of the same effect. Beyond that it is a baseless comparison anyway since it is the equivalent of arguing that an economy car does not have some performance car's safety problem at excessively high speeds when it cannot go that speed in the first place.


handeyldrm OP t1_j2egs33 wrote

Thank you for such a detailed explanation, i’ll be very happy if there’s nothing to worry about. If that’s the case, no choice for me but accept it as it is, i was just upset and worried if i got a defected phone. I really didn’t have this visible reflection on s10+ though but i completely understood what you said. Thanks!