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KentuckyHouse t1_j2996uw wrote

>I thought it was cool that they completely removed the SIM tray option.

You're the only one.

Phones are my hobby and Apple (so far) has lost an iPhone 14 Pro Max sale from me because my carrier (AT&T) makes it such a PITA to move the ESIM from an Android phone to iPhone and vice versa.

I've got a Pixel 7 Pro that I love and a 13 Pro Max that I love, so being able to swap back and forth whenever I want is a must. And after years of simply being able to pull the sim card and put it in the other phone, I refuse to go to a carrier store for a stupid QR code (this is AT&T's stupid policy).

I realize I'm in a tiny percentage of users, but the ESIM move from Apple was short-sighted and screwed phone enthusiasts. And AT&T needs to get with the times and update their antiquated system.


lovefist1 t1_j299qye wrote

Agreed 100%. I have a Pixel I like to use sometimes, so not just being able to swap the sim card is a big disappointment.


e3_was_good OP t1_j29nswj wrote

I believe carriers will adapt for you to get the best of both worlds. Only a matter of time!


Top-Sink t1_j29md24 wrote

ATT can’t do the QR code on the website? That’s wild


KentuckyHouse t1_j29qq0f wrote

Nope. They make you come into a store, like a caveman. All in the name of "security".


e3_was_good OP t1_j29na2a wrote

I guess it was a bit too early to force the eSIM change. Some carriers still don't have good support for it. I heard some carriers offer dual support, in the sense that you can use both the physical sim and the eSIM and so not worry about swapping. In my case, I was able to make the change online, and the QR was delivered to my email, although I had to wait 12 hours for activation and was restricted for another 12 hours as a security measure. It can be frustrating.