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srobiggss t1_j2a663u wrote

I ordered a new iphone & got two day shipping. had my mom stay at my house all day so i could have someone sign for it. They “missed” us two days in a row.. despite having someone at my house both days. I spent 4 hours on the phone with UPS two days in a row trying to find out where my phone was. No one from UPS could get me answers or change the delivery instructions for me. As soon as i got verizon involved, my phone was ready for pick up at the store. (Which the manager told me they were NOT allowed to do). Im so glad i got Verizon involved. I have decided that time i order a new phone, i’ll pick it up from Verizon. Every time i use UPS to ship my phones, there is a problem.

I’m so sorry that your phone got stolen & i hope that you are able to get this all resolved!