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cedarpangolin t1_j2es212 wrote

Dude why is there a question mark after everything? It’s like you’re asking us to tell you what you think.


jmedina94 t1_j2es3kt wrote

I was an Android user from Froyo (2.2) up to Oreo (8.0) or so. I mean it had its issues but was generally okay. Moved to iPhone in 2018 but tried Android again last year and for some reason, it seemed buggier. Even my dark/light mode settings based on time weren’t working correctly. iOS has its flaws too but I’ll still take it over my experience last year.


snarksafoot t1_j2esdlr wrote

Just gone back to iPhone (14 pro) moved to android after the iPhone 4s. With sideloading I can do everything I want and IMO have a vastly superior experience doing it. But each to their own, not bagging android just got over it. Oh and the fact Google stole money from me and wouldn’t give it back helped.


jmedina94 t1_j2esk17 wrote

Google almost screwed me out of nearly $1k after I returned my Pixel 6 Pro. I mentioned the BBB (even though they probably wouldn’t do anything) and had a refund email within hours.


95RKJ t1_j2etsd1 wrote

Yep. Welcome to why I joined iPhone 9 years ago and haven’t looked back.


gpstrucker t1_j2euns6 wrote

I use both and they both have their pros and cons. I’m the end, they’re just pocket computers. Use what you like.


David79YT t1_j2euu60 wrote

Damn, that’s horrible! I do agree that Google screwed you out of nearly 1k$ flagship but I think Samsung is worse! They also made the software worse and they still have bloatwares, which honestly is sad to see how Samsung still has awful experience, especially with shutter lag and poor optimization for the apps, compared with iPhone, they have much better experience, especially with the camera quality and optimization?

I also have the 13 pro max for a year now and it’s been great for me so far? No issues whatsoever


jmedina94 t1_j2ev70q wrote

I had a Galaxy S8. It started out fine but ended horribly after some app conflict caused the battery to go downhill. At that point, I went over to iPhone.

I’ve had the 8 Plus, 11, and now the 13 Pro Max.


cr0wit0 t1_j2eyryl wrote

Well let say I’m a little apple fan boy… but android is good, the only things that kills it for me is the manufacturer and the carrier bloatware, samsung is the worse of them. The ad placements that google forces on you and the malware that sometimes will hit. I use android 12 right now in my work phone, with no google account, so I side load every apk I can and try to disable everything google. Is quite… not so smooth, like the os hiccups every now and then, but the os is very very capable on everything.


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