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ihooper05 t1_j1evp4r wrote

Your battery is fucked. Check your battery health, if it’s under 80% then it needs to be replaced for optimal performance. Also this could be caused in combination of the battery health being low and cold temperature. I had a 13 Pro Max with 97% health do this because I used it in the Canadian cold.


TrashAtEverything_ OP t1_j1fkxj4 wrote

That’s it then, my battery health is below 80% and I left it in a cold car for hours when I was in a restaurant.


ihooper05 t1_j1fl6du wrote

Yep that makes sense. Personally, if I had this problem and couldn’t replace the battery, I’d put it on low power mode from the second I unplug it until it dies. And don’t leave it in a cold car. This should help until you get a battery replacement or until you get a new phone. With my old iPhone 7 that I mentioned before, I used this method and it worked great