Submitted by TrashAtEverything_ t3_zt48zr in iphone
infinityandbeyond75 t1_j1bn10x wrote
What is your battery health. Sounds like it may be less than 80%.
TWYFAN97 t1_j1bn3gh wrote
The battery, looks like it’s time it needs to be replaced.
Interesting-Dish8894 t1_j1bpby4 wrote
kind of obvious to me...
stop_lying_good_god t1_j1bpta7 wrote
How old is this phone?
What are the battery usage patterns?
arochains1231 t1_j1brrvn wrote
Most likely due to an old/degraded battery. The easiest way to check how degraded your battery health is is to go into Settings->Battery->Battery Health & Charging (here's a guide if it helps). If the percent shown any lower than 80% you should probably get the battery replaced to prevent it from happening again, or the whole phone if it's really old.
Fadexz_ t1_j1btppy wrote
The battery wasn’t able to provide enough power to keep it on so it is limiting your performance slightly to prevent it using too much again.
[deleted] t1_j1bvbcf wrote
Hunter_Ware t1_j1c189n wrote
My iPhone 7 doesn’t even randomly shut down and the battery health on that is 60%… You should defo get a battery replacement and back up your photos and videos
itsmeyoursmallpenis t1_j1c1b1o wrote
This iPhone has experienced an unexpected shutdown because the battery was unable to deliver the necessary peak power.
also username checks out
castagan t1_j1c1bk9 wrote
Iphone 14 release?
Habit8902 t1_j1c2nzn wrote
Photo shop
xShinGouki t1_j1c3pr7 wrote
Your battery health is low
crazySmith_ t1_j1c4azd wrote
That was a couple of months ago.
Clessiah t1_j1c4jcr wrote
It is caused by using the battery. Every phone will reach that state eventually. Just need to replace the battery.
FyreBoyeYT t1_j1c56k9 wrote
U need a battery replacement
Charles_Mendel t1_j1c5t1o wrote
The battery is degraded no longer able to support the voltage the SoC requires for peak performance. Software on the iPhone will throttle the SoC to prevent this in the future.
GreyGoosey t1_j1c7wvh wrote
You need a new battery
[deleted] t1_j1c8vjn wrote
megasmileys t1_j1c9vlm wrote
Gotta be waaaaay less than 80% for that to happen, surely
GooseInternational66 t1_j1cand9 wrote
Potato soap
V3N0M3 t1_j1cchas wrote
I checked ur username and i cant stop laughing
DreadnaughtHamster t1_j1ccv0a wrote
I’ve had this happen with an old 6s. Yeah, just have the battery replaced.
saturnxoffical t1_j1cdm74 wrote
I swear to god do people just skim over these messages
Smply_Rckless t1_j1cdvfq wrote
Pretty self explanatory
CritiXnot0p t1_j1cf4ux wrote
Your battery isn't charging properly and needs to be replaced.
[deleted] t1_j1ci3u0 wrote
AttorneyAdvice t1_j1ciqo6 wrote
the cause is poor reading comprehension
Timothy303 t1_j1cj8t3 wrote
Old battery. Aka physics
It’s worse the smaller the battery is, physically, the older it gets.
maoam2002 t1_j1ck8re wrote
A lot of people saying that the battery might be dead and although this could be true it doesn’t have to be it could just be a bug in the voltage controller or anywhere between battery and output. Check your battery health before you change it.
Larsaf t1_j1cl2ui wrote
This message appears because you disabled throttling.
Stebe_Jubs t1_j1clf50 wrote
My dude, this is the most self-explanatory error message ever made. Please learn how to read.
FriendlyStory7 t1_j1cmjwo wrote
The battery was unable to deliver the necessary peak power.
jonathanmaes27 t1_j1cnw1i wrote
How old is your iPhone? It looks like due to it’s age, it cannot deliver the power you are asking from it. Edit: to solve this, replace the battery or keep it connected to a continuous power supply if you’re going to be asking a lot of power.
carlostsang t1_j1cq7tx wrote
Read the words after “because”
Glittering_Fig6468 t1_j1cqr5q wrote
Like myself, it’s having performance issues 🫠
wrath_of_bong902 t1_j1crqp5 wrote
Were you in the cold?
baNNassa t1_j1ctble wrote
internet explorer discontinued?
mrsauceboi t1_j1ctj8i wrote
try reading
Spaceqwe t1_j1cuoku wrote
Could be due to temperature, which happened to my 6S a few years back.
badg0re t1_j1cvg2q wrote
Old battery + (maybe) cold
404invalid-user t1_j1cw28x wrote
Bruh can you not read notifications?
K_Click_D t1_j1cwiji wrote
It tells you on the notification…..
Top-Captain-3962 t1_j1cwnd0 wrote
your 6s dies
luchod t1_j1cyafz wrote
So now we're not only not googling things, we're also downright refusing to read self-explanatory system messages?
RoSgarino t1_j1d19lu wrote
It happened to me too, even if my battery health is 92%
Exercise_Slow t1_j1d20ih wrote
That was 6 months ago
FknBretto t1_j1d24fm wrote
80% is a bit early to be replacing the battery unless it’s faulty, iPhones won’t even pull performance at that battery health. This battery is probably a lot lower than that to be triggering the performance management settings
Marko787 t1_j1d474s wrote
it means your battery is old and degraded and that your iPhone will be slower so this doesn’t happen again
MrMoistWaffle t1_j1d5ss2 wrote
hmm, im stumped... if only there were a error message explaining what happend
pjng t1_j1d5z13 wrote
Maybe a bug?
Quistis_Trepe t1_j1d6iu2 wrote
Do u even use this phone? How did u maintain it at 100
Dougle_07 t1_j1d6llx wrote
80% is the threshold for Apple to recommend a battery. That’s when messages like this generally start appearing.
Exercise_Slow t1_j1d6n7b wrote
I changed the battery two months ago. Updated to 16.2 at launch day, still 100%
Vegas093 t1_j1d6zyk wrote
Aging battery
Deep-Piece3181 t1_j1d8j5o wrote
Please just read the text next time before screenshooting it and posting it in to Reddit
Happypepik t1_j1d94zo wrote
You see, what happened is your iPhone experienced an unexpected shutdown because the battery was unable to deliver the necessary peak performance.
Truly_Unending_ t1_j1dahe9 wrote
gigawort t1_j1dbhup wrote
A lawsuit caused that message.
bigsmallhands t1_j1dbtfu wrote
People are shit at reading I guess. Damn.
HerefortheTuna t1_j1dc1v6 wrote
My iPhone mini 13 is down to 84% after a year. I’m definitely getting it replaced soon
frstshot t1_j1dc45k wrote
I don't know ... maybe THE BATTERY?
ThannBanis t1_j1dccpx wrote
Username does check out 🤣
Wild_Asparagus t1_j1dci1t wrote
Nah. Battery health is a measure of overall capacity relative to new. The battery could be 92% capable of holding a charge, but chemically degraded in a way that it cannot output the same peak voltage or amperage.
The phone momentarily ramps up and demands full power, the battery can’t deliver, the system crashes and reboots. After reboot, performance management is applied to prevent the CPU from exceeding the battery’s current maximum output capability.
RyRyShredder t1_j1dcxn1 wrote
Yeah mine is at 73% and still says it is delivering peak performance. It does say I should replace it in the battery health menu, but I have never had a pop up message like this. Apple recommending replacement at 80% is just to get more money out of people.
Bodster88 t1_j1dd007 wrote
If you go into language settings, you can change your notifications to read in a language that makes sense going forward.
Alternatively, you can increase the text size within settings.
Colefinney1234onyt t1_j1ddl1t wrote
Your battery is no good get it replaced at Apple so you don’t have battery warnings
2jah t1_j1ddvr6 wrote
Not true, had it happen on my iPhone X with 85% battery health, got it replaced and issue went away.
TheProblematicG3nius t1_j1dfh0b wrote
The battery
Kinetic_Strike t1_j1dfvuj wrote
Generally from an aging battery.
However, it can also be from a seemingly still decent battery in an area with extremely marginal reception.
Source: me out in the boonies
N3LX t1_j1dgehd wrote
Please enlighten us then, what is unclear about this message?
csouz t1_j1dgg82 wrote
Happy cake day!
lw5555 t1_j1dgqy2 wrote
The 6/6S had the worst batteries in terms of lifespan. There was definitely a flaw in the design or chemistry for that generation.
DarthMauly t1_j1dh4j7 wrote
I worked at AppleCare for a couple years, doing call evaluating. A staggering volume of calls were solved by the tech advisor simply asking the customer to read the full message on the screen/ screen sharing and reading it for them. Especially with Apple Pay calls…
“This card can not be added, please contact your bank/ card issuer.”
Phones Apple Support to ask what to do.
Sway_RL t1_j1djdo1 wrote
84%? my 13 pro is at 97% after a year. how is it so different
FknBretto t1_j1djn4i wrote
When Apple recommends a new battery and when performance decreases due to battery% aren’t the same at all. I’ve had devices in the 60%s before it started to impact performance.
EndlessWondersWisps t1_j1djttx wrote
The Mini has a much smaller battery. So for simplicity’s sake, if you use both for the same workload, the Mini will need to be charged more often to last as long as the Pro. More charging=more wear
n8best t1_j1djujs wrote
It broke
FknBretto t1_j1djvur wrote
Either you have some very odd charging habits your you have a faulty battery. 15+% within one year is well outside of an acceptable degradation of product life
nfunncecnecub t1_j1djy0i wrote
check settings > battery > battery health. if it’s under 80%, that usually means this will sometimes happen if you get into low percentages. probably time for a battery replacement
masteredUI0406 t1_j1dkkne wrote
I’ve had a mini for 6 months now and it’s at 99% idk how you got it down to 84
FknBretto t1_j1dks70 wrote
It’s not only a bit of a cash grab; it’s very wasteful and harmful to the environment.
For reference I replaced my daily 8+’s battery 3 years ago and I’m at 76% with no degradation in performance (aside from the “new OS, who dis?” features designed for the newest hardware). Lithium batteries aren’t an annual replacement item and we shouldn’t test them like that
megasmileys t1_j1dl5nx wrote
I had an X but upgraded to the 13 pro after I saw the battery improvements, apple really did skimp on them for so long
GreekAres t1_j1dlfou wrote
This whole thing is hilarious
NODA5 t1_j1dm5mt wrote
Not always the case. Some phones need replacement at 85
iguessineedanaltnow t1_j1dmq6o wrote
13 mini as well and I’m at 89% after about a year.
ofln_ t1_j1dmuhm wrote
Degraded battery + cold most likely.
AFoxGuy t1_j1dmwvx wrote
My mini just got to 89% and that’s with 2+ charges a day with MagSafe, what are you doing?
Dougle_07 t1_j1dnqkl wrote
I didn’t say they were. I said what the official threshold was and when messages like this will generally start to appear. Under 80% is expected and generally means the battery is behaving/degrading as expected over time. Above 80% is unexpected behavior and means something is wrong.
devpsaux t1_j1do6ga wrote
The battery was unable to deliver the necessary peak power.
not_some_username t1_j1dpt6a wrote
Skill issue
Cashwood t1_j1dptub wrote
Your battery is going out and phone might die randomly. My husband has this happen and slowly his phone started holding less and less charge. It would drain at random intervals and shut off. Once we’d turn it back on it would show like 56% battery life. Technically it still works, but sometimes it won’t turn on at all even if left on the charger for days at a time.
Zieen_Kuo t1_j1dq5hn wrote
My 12 Mini dropped to 84% before it’s first birthday, but more than two years now and it’s still 84%. I don’t believe the degradation to be linear.
TechFreeze t1_j1drgq4 wrote
According to the notification, This iPhone has experienced an unexpected shutdown because the battery was unable to deliver the necessary peak power. Performance management has been applied to help prevent this from happening again.
Your battery is failed and your phone is going to run slower now so the phone doesn’t power itself off.
gofreaksgo t1_j1dsivc wrote
Even though the whole thing is not very big.
Holyshieeeeeeeeet t1_j1dskb1 wrote
My battery dropped down to 81% and it’s been sitting there for more than a year. It’s almost like it knows I have AppleCare.
Severe-Tradition-37 t1_j1dsm24 wrote
A Bad Battery Replace The Battery
TheBoyWhoCriedTapir t1_j1dstxw wrote
Did you go out in the cold? When I worked the freezer at walmart, this happened when my phone got too cold.
Shadowfalx t1_j1dtm27 wrote
What does this message say?
I'm pretty sure it says that performance was affected. Thus, you are arguing with yourself. You are saying Apple gives these messages when the phones performance is affected by decreased battery capacity at 80%, yet that battery capacity isn't affected until less than 80%.
redoctoberz t1_j1dtvxa wrote
> asking the customer to read the full message on the screen/ screen sharing and reading it for them.
Makes sense due to roughly 2/3 of the population having poor to zero technology skills
letinmore t1_j1dtxw8 wrote
Use Coconut Battery on a Mac to check the actual battery life, then you can decide if replacing it now or later.
DarthMauly t1_j1du296 wrote
To be fair this isn’t technology skills, it’s reading comprehension.
Jumpy-Ad-2105 t1_j1du2ph wrote
Check your battery health
[deleted] t1_j1du5gl wrote
EshuMarneedi t1_j1du5pf wrote
Read the picture you posted
freediverx01 t1_j1duhko wrote
Your battery is old and worn out. iOS is throttling performance to maintain stability. If they didn’t do that, your phone would be shutting down randomly. Get a new battery.
[deleted] t1_j1dui3r wrote
paulaumetro t1_j1dumse wrote
Is your phone really cold? This can reduce a battery's ability to deliver power or for the charger to work.
Dougle_07 t1_j1dusrf wrote
Again no. I said that generally these messages start appearing at/below 80%. The alternative, seeing this message above 80% is indicative of an unexpected hardware failure. In OP’s case, that distinction would be important in how serious to take this message.
Available-Control993 t1_j1dvlcp wrote
Your battery is old as hell lol it’s time to replace your phone battery.
EnteiCosmos t1_j1dvon0 wrote
Never had a phone pull performance at 85%. At 73% was my personal experience but aside from that? Nope. I can maybe see that happening on the SE 1st gen with its tiny battery though.
whyarebee t1_j1dvro1 wrote
I think the battery was unable to deliver the necessary peak power.
Shadowfalx t1_j1dvws7 wrote
You're wrong. These shouldn't occur at 80%. Apple recommends replacement at 80%, that doesn't mean the battery is unable to provide the necessary amperage at 80%.
You are doubling down because you don't want to be wrong, it's okay to be wrong.
ninety6days t1_j1dvzom wrote
Seeing as it says it's the battery and explains exactly what the problem is, I'm going to assume it's a WiFi issue.
JFC, how do these people dress themselves in the morning.
ksavage68 t1_j1dwtsp wrote
Get your battery replaced at local phone repair shop. Cost 60 bucks.
Trickybuz93 t1_j1dx5m4 wrote
It literally tells you in the picture you posted…
Lazarbeam-- t1_j1dxi1b wrote
We can read
Dougle_07 t1_j1dxvim wrote
4 years working at apple as a Mac tech, thousands of appointments, I know what I’m talking about.
Your difficulty in understanding what I’ve been saying (that the battery percentage and message are related but not mutually exclusive) does not mean I’m wrong. Thank you though
ashenoz t1_j1dyhi0 wrote
Was hoping OP could too, but here we are.
Manfred_89 t1_j1dyi4q wrote
This is most likely caused by what you said combined with cold temps.
Lazarbeam-- t1_j1dyr2t wrote
Honestly, fair point
flipflubduck t1_j1e0d4l wrote
Curious of your charging habits. I’ve had my normal 13 for almost a year now (Jan 15th will mark a full year) and I just dropped to 98% earlier this week
Shaykea t1_j1e1u5v wrote
My battery at 86% health had an unexpected shutdown y-day aswell, so I don't understand this, might actually be a bug.
cyberentomology t1_j1e23x9 wrote
Exactly what it says on the tin: battery can’t deliver enough wattage for the CPU to go full throttle, so it’s making sure the CPU lets off the gas a bit so the battery doesn’t explode.
It’s like driving at high elevation.
cyberentomology t1_j1e2ayd wrote
Clearly a conspiracy by Apple to sell new phones 🙄
/s in case that wasn’t obvious.
cyberentomology t1_j1e2d90 wrote
Holding it wrong?
cyberentomology t1_j1e2lb8 wrote
Apple software engineers probably spent months creating a notification that would explain what happened in plain terms everyone can understand, and then along comes OP.
MiesL t1_j1e2qkj wrote
Only charge it in the sun or on a radiator 😂😂😂 (don’t).
Apprehensive_Yak4111 t1_j1e2s3o wrote
One reason why to never buy an iPhone I’ve been using Google pixel 5 For a couple years and the battery still get me a day and a half
cyberentomology t1_j1e2srd wrote
It’s always the WiFi. Except when it’s DNS. Or maybe the battery, seems a little murky.
cyberentomology t1_j1e2xgt wrote
If your battery is having to dial the radio power up to hit the distant base station, it’s not gonna have much to spare for the CPU.
cyberentomology t1_j1e32cy wrote
A lot of people struggle with that too.
4xget t1_j1e44mb wrote
It took longer to make the screenshot, crop then posting it here than just reading the damn notification
Joker4479 t1_j1e4bix wrote
Reading the error explains the error
Shadowfalx t1_j1e4kqn wrote
Yeah, sure, I'm Steve Jobs, so I know what I'm talking about.
You said the message and the battery degradation percentage are connected.
Lunafreya_NoxF t1_j1e5gxx wrote
I mean, the message is right there lol.
Your battery has degraded enough that can’t sustain peak performance.
Your phone will be throttled down from now on so it won’t shut down at least, but eventually you’ll have to replace your battery to get back your performance and your stamina.
Again, the message tells you what caused it.
Dougle_07 t1_j1e5nwy wrote
Literally never said that.
You’re bitter, it’s okay.
not_some_username t1_j1e5olk wrote
Battery skill is missing
KyleB1035 t1_j1e997t wrote
What is your battery health percent at? you may need a new battery, this is a very big sign.
Dougle_07 t1_j1e9myw wrote
You deliberately ignored the immediate following comment. You know, the one before you chimed in.
“I didn’t say they were. I said what the official threshold was and when messages like this will generally start to appear. Under 80% is expected and generally means the battery is behaving/degrading as expected over time. Above 80% is unexpected behavior and means something is wrong.”
You really got me
[deleted] t1_j1ea2ag wrote
ninety6days t1_j1eb0hc wrote
Try a soft reset
Dougle_07 t1_j1ecdvr wrote
Bud. I hope someone gifts you hooked on phonics for the holidays. Maybe then you can avoid looking like a tool on the internet
Subredditredditor t1_j1ed6ga wrote
I’m going to go with the battery was unable to deliver peak power
Dull_blade t1_j1ef38i wrote
Stop looking at porn!
benny_normal t1_j1efb1o wrote
We apologise for the fault in the subtitles. Those responsible have been sacked.
earhoe t1_j1egg7x wrote
Upgrade and get an android. Iphones are overrated bruh
NODA5 t1_j1eggvf wrote
Wait till you experience a 12 mini, absolute garbage
freediverx01 t1_j1egv8m wrote
Which is why I explained why it’s happening and why it’s better than the alternative.
No_need_for_that99 t1_j1ehhln wrote
It can also happen when your battery gets too cold.
ImNotFromThisPlanet t1_j1ei27h wrote
It’s a disguised iPhone 14 ad.
Working-Potential-59 t1_j1elob1 wrote
When your iPhone is cold, this will happen if the battery is worn out
BreadfruitOdd7875 t1_j1enqjz wrote
Your battery
JamesXX t1_j1eqs86 wrote
plAnNEd ObSOleSceNE!!
Ok-Yogurt-2743 t1_j1erqlb wrote
Specifically, putting a damaged battery under a heavy load will cause the output voltage of the battery to drop below the threshold voltage required to make a diode actually pass current. Effectively, this is the same as taking the battery out of the circuit momentarily and the device starts up from a power failure when the voltage returns to the breakdown threshold.
Get a new battery
ihooper05 t1_j1evp4r wrote
Your battery is fucked. Check your battery health, if it’s under 80% then it needs to be replaced for optimal performance. Also this could be caused in combination of the battery health being low and cold temperature. I had a 13 Pro Max with 97% health do this because I used it in the Canadian cold.
42177130 t1_j1eylqm wrote
Eh the explanation could mention that all lithium-ion batteries degrade over time and suggest to replace the battery I guess.
Ayyyyylmaos t1_j1ezg4n wrote
How old is your phone? This is mainly due to wear and tear
kazooooomka t1_j1f0ud2 wrote
I believe this is because Apple wants you to buy a new iphone... Its something they did before.
futures17gne t1_j1f13de wrote
I've had a 12 mini for 2 years and I'm at 88 battery health. I thought the 13 mini is supposed to have a larger battery? Must all be down to usage I guess.
I absolutely love the mini iPhones. Wish they had not discontinued them. I plan holding onto mine for as long as possible. Will likely get a battery change from Apple once the health dips below 60.
leonboe1 t1_j1f15yg wrote
Could also be the cold weather
bslawjen t1_j1f29oa wrote
What does "no degradation in performance mean", cause mine is at 80% and the battery lasts like an hour if I use my phone.
Naive_Growth5738 t1_j1f2n6r wrote
Underbyte t1_j1f4ey3 wrote
Fun fact: 80% is the magic number for a free battery replacement if you’re still in your AppleCare period.
RedRedditRedemption2 t1_j1f5mvr wrote
Wait… aren’t you the guy from r/SEARS and r/kmart?
RayRayCoops t1_j1f63y4 wrote
This happened to me recently while I was taking a video outside in -16c.
mrduncansir42 t1_j1f6j5h wrote
Your battery is aging, and likely needs to be replaced. When batteries get old, they are unable to deliver as much power when the phone is running intensive apps or doing something strenuous. Now your phone is slowing itself down so it won’t need to deliver as much power. You’ll notice your phone is slower now, and I’d recommend replacing the battery.
AFoxGuy t1_j1f7jm5 wrote
Yep! I’m the one who posted the Sears/Kmart Puerto Rico images!
RedRedditRedemption2 t1_j1f7liw wrote
What a small world we live in…
AFoxGuy t1_j1f9nvx wrote
djmexi t1_j1fax7z wrote
It clearly says “the battery”.
[deleted] t1_j1fbpzz wrote
TrashAtEverything_ OP t1_j1fkxj4 wrote
That’s it then, my battery health is below 80% and I left it in a cold car for hours when I was in a restaurant.
ihooper05 t1_j1fl6du wrote
Yep that makes sense. Personally, if I had this problem and couldn’t replace the battery, I’d put it on low power mode from the second I unplug it until it dies. And don’t leave it in a cold car. This should help until you get a battery replacement or until you get a new phone. With my old iPhone 7 that I mentioned before, I used this method and it worked great
Naxthor t1_j1fpe0t wrote
An unexpected shutdown.
TrashAtEverything_ OP t1_j1fre1o wrote
Thx man, I’ll make sure to use your advice :)
ihooper05 t1_j1frhj7 wrote
No problem man, good luck
Aashishkebab t1_j1fvkuv wrote
The battery was unable to deliver the necessary peak power.
Bluestar2016 t1_j1fzbnx wrote
No joke, my phone was stuck at 81% for roughly 20 months. It finally dropped to 80% after, what? I think 600-700 charge cycles? It took soooo long
Holyshieeeeeeeeet t1_j1g018l wrote
How do you check the cycles?
Bluestar2016 t1_j1g05mc wrote
HerefortheTuna t1_j1g873h wrote
I use my phone a good amount. I also have a 13 pro but it’s my work device so I only try to use it for work things. I use about 125-150% of my mini 13 battery per day so likely have a higher cycle count than other folks do
HerefortheTuna t1_j1g8ej2 wrote
I use over 100% each day. Sometimes even 200%. I charge at my desk while working but also I use CarPlay a lot and charge over ivht
HerefortheTuna t1_j1gbia5 wrote
That’s fair. I paid for the appecare though so I may as well get it replaced.
HerefortheTuna t1_j1gbmqh wrote
I hadn’t checked in awhile but it dropped fast. I missed all of 97%- 88%
HerefortheTuna t1_j1gbrr7 wrote
I use mine phone a lot and I charge with wireless charger at work and usually the iPad charger or my work laptop dock when I’m home idk man. I have AppleCare so I’ll get it swapped when I find the time
HerefortheTuna t1_j1gbvrx wrote
My 13 pro is 99% and I’ve had it since January. But that’s irrelevant to me since that one is my work phone that I rarely use
Edit: got the 13 mini in November 2021 and the pro in January 2021
FknBretto t1_j1ggfpm wrote
Yes 20% degradation within a year is of course a warranty issue
ZuraX15301 t1_j1ghazl wrote
My 13 Pro Max is at 84%. I am watching YouTube and surfing social media most of the day.
ConstructionStill500 t1_j1glcku wrote
That means ur battery health is damaged now and it should be changed cause its not giving peak performance means ur battery health is very low so change it
Underbyte t1_j1kica8 wrote
It doesn’t have to be within a year. If you have an active AppleCare plan, it is replaceable.
FknBretto t1_j1ktibb wrote
Why use apple care when it’s a warranty issue
Gloriathewitch t1_j1lkbl5 wrote
You realize batteries can fail in ways other than capacity, yeah?
The amount the battery holds (capacity) Is not the same as current.
One is how much it can hold, one is how much power it can supply per second until the capacity is depleted.
Anything from heat, cold, or chemical failure in the battery can cause this kind of issue, you can have over 100% batt health and the battery can still be a lemon if it drops cells or electrolytes cause expansion.
[deleted] t1_j1lkw1a wrote
Underbyte t1_j1mwgbp wrote
It’s not a “warranty issue” when your battery fails after 2.75 years.
[deleted] t1_j1bn09i wrote