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nrron t1_j1m39jg wrote

Yes you would still get the message. Apple and apple authorized shops have the necessary hardware that tells the phone the new part is genuine and has been installed by an authorized person to turn off that message


Feacrali OP t1_j1m3dfz wrote

Oh man that kinda sucks to me, I was hoping that it just has to be genuine no matter who does it, thanks though

Edit: that’s what I was told but I see that they’re wrong…


Feacrali OP t1_j1m3jjh wrote

What if one chooses to do it under the self-service program? I’m assuming that message wouldn’t appear then?


EpiciSheep t1_j1m48u5 wrote

There are machines where you reprogram the screen to have the same serial number as the OG