shoutout to apple on this one, if I hadn’t had this on, I would’ve never realized my sister locked herself out of the house haha
Submitted by Andrew_285 t3_10pkb81 in iphone
Apple has this sound recognition feature, I was watching a movie and mi phone told me It had detected dog barks and shouting, so removed the headphones and realized my sister was ringing the bell because she had locker herself out.
Thanks. I googled it. Would like to see this come to the HomePod.
It’s coming later this year actually.
I actually wanna buy it now.
Don’t bother, get the HomePod mini instead
Danm, HomePod mini is cheap af. I am gonna buy that instead
Same features too!
Technically not all the same features but it will have the same sensors and the sound recognition feature.
The only sound it will recognize are smoke/carbon monoxide detector alarms unfortunately.
I think your right. I was hoping for baby crying at the very least maybe door bell as well.
But yeah even Apple’s press release state:
“With Sound Recognition* HomePod can listen for smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, and send a notification directly to the user’s iPhone if a sound is identified.”
Doesn't sound nearly as good though. I have 3 OG and 3 minis and the minis are okish. I would call the big ones good.
Now I am confused I just wanted a good HomePod.
I bought one of these yesterday, primarily as a speaker for when I’m in the shower and want to listen to YouTube videos. Is there anything else I should use it for that’s actually useful and not some gimmick?
I tell mine to play night cricket sounds when I go to bed so my rabbit may/does not get to bored in my studio.
Tons of stuff. The world is at your fingertips.
Also jealous that you have a socket in your bathroom 🙄
Haha I don’t! There is one just outside the bathroom (actually the en suite) so I can plug it in that socket and then put the device on the floor in the room (away from water!)
Bro said “explain” and then googled it
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