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dskatter t1_j6pa630 wrote

You can’t get hacked from a phone call. At all. They can’t somehow get into your phone by the act of calling you.

You’re fine. Just don’t give out random info to people who call you, THAT is just bad in general.


toonghost4988 OP t1_j6paf4k wrote

Alright I know Reddit ain’t the best place to get info but thanks I’ll trust your probably have more knowledge on phones than me thanks


dskatter t1_j6pam4y wrote

This isn’t a movie where they can hack someone’s phone if they just keep them on the line or something like that. :)


toonghost4988 OP t1_j6paq9t wrote

Haha yeah I’m was just a little paranoid thank you very much


_casshern_ t1_j6p95hl wrote

Not necessarily. What did you tell them?


toonghost4988 OP t1_j6p99sh wrote

I told them no info what so ever the only thing I told them is my Wi-Fi and lied about everything else


toonghost4988 OP t1_j6p9cgm wrote

Nothing about Wi-Fi numbers no nothing just the company