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Crack_uv_N0on t1_j5twb98 wrote

Came over from Samsung in 08/2018: bloatware, Android OS updates late in availability because of Samsung, very limited number of up dates, in its Playstore you could erroneously update beyond the Android OS in the device rendering an app useless (personal experience).


BrikenEnglz t1_j5ukzrx wrote

Well, your issue was Samsung, not android ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Crack_uv_N0on t1_j5uw57n wrote

Not quite all, the Playstore issue was Abdroid. From what I have read in Reddit, if an App Store has an update beyond that requires an iOS update beyond what is allowed for the iPhone, the app won’t update. I’m talking about old iPhone models that can’t update to iOS 15, and I believe in one posting within recent months it being iOS 14 the OP’s iphone model being unable to update to.

Don’t get wrong, when it comes to me getting an Android phone, never say never. That’s why I use certain apps that are not wedded to iOS/iPhones. Samsung’s not the only fish in the sea.