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Future_Extension_93 OP t1_j5sq5j8 wrote

yes exactly


sherman_ws t1_j5t1anr wrote

Ok. You are definitely full of it then.


Future_Extension_93 OP t1_j5t7x2a wrote

want proof?


sherman_ws t1_j5ua0ok wrote

Yeah - post a video of you and all of your friend’s phones that are replicating this issue


Future_Extension_93 OP t1_j5ucgp9 wrote

i have the video where can i send you? btw just returned to our tmobile store in slovakia they said it will be investigated 99% replaced for other new one they had some faulty 14 pros and apple watches recently


sherman_ws t1_j5t1ocd wrote

So no one is having this issue but you got yours brand new and babied it and then magically you and all your friends have this major hardware failure from downloading the most recent update that no one else seems to be having? T-roll


Future_Extension_93 OP t1_j5t7w2h wrote

i can send you video bro if you dont believe :) I have no reason to lie i have iphone since iphone 4 times ipad ipod everything this is the first time i am having major issues