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hillandrenko t1_j60c3nu wrote

Try calling it.


No_Tough_2137 OP t1_j60dsw8 wrote

Anything else besides that I do have life 360 on it but idk if I can sign into it.


hillandrenko t1_j60ylls wrote

If you have a friend with a phone they can download one of those bluetooth detector things. They do work, I use them to find my mouse regularly. It should pinpoint your phone pretty accurately if your phone is on.


No_Tough_2137 OP t1_j61jam0 wrote

Thank you appreciate it.


hillandrenko t1_j61lere wrote

If I was your mom and I didn't want you to find the phone I would do one of two things. Either leave it in the car or take it to work and leave it there