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samwood2809 OP t1_j5q86x0 wrote

Hold on so what do you think has happened with mine?

Does it show you when it died and when I put it on to charge?


ilreppans t1_j5qehpv wrote

Dude, it’s all there


samwood2809 OP t1_j5qewz7 wrote

Ah so does that green line below the graph show that it was plugged in to charge?

So if i woke up and were to go on my phone say 3am when it was restarting what would it say, is it still charging?


ilreppans t1_j5qlz8r wrote

Yes the green lines and faint green sections above them indicate plug-in periods. Only you doing something on the phone will restart it. If you left it alone till 11am then your graph would look like mine shutdown ~1am; no info 1-11am, then 100% when restarted at 11am.

If you restarted at 3am it might not even turn on (may still be zero batt), or might have been 10-30% and charging - IDK when it decided to start charging.


samwood2809 OP t1_j5qmhj9 wrote

So it will restart the phone, coz how would I get onto my phone if it was shut down, or do you mean restart the graph?

Ah okay so when you go on it the graph restarts?

I think it was probs on 10-30% because it still said notifications were at that time period on my screen time settings and I definitely plugged it at 1 coz otherwise how would it be charged when I woke up if I had plugged it in at 12 and it died at 12:43 as shown on graph?


ilreppans t1_j5qp13c wrote

Yeah mostly mean restart the graphs, the phone will wake and go to standby/locked screen when it decides it has enough juice, but won’t restart batt graphs until you login.

Back to the beginning, only 2 reasons I’ve seen where you plug-in but doesn’t charge is the heat problem and iOS16 bugs.


samwood2809 OP t1_j5qpu6x wrote

Yeah thought you meant the phone restarts

It was fully charged by morning though which I don’t understand if it wasn’t charging properly

I think it was on standby most the night because it said on my screen time notifications still came through


samwood2809 OP t1_j5qqesr wrote

if i plugged it in at 5 after it had ran out it would show it down at the bottom and in red but it’s not it’s in yellow and nearly at 100%

Yeah it died at 12:54am precisely coz that’s when the FaceTime ended

Thank you for this information by the way very interesting and helpful


samwood2809 OP t1_j5qmoo4 wrote

Unless I re adjusted it and put it on to charge at 5 am does that look possible that it could have been put on to charge at 5 am or not coz of the abrupt and immediate line not a gradual one building the charge up