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ilreppans t1_j5qp13c wrote

Yeah mostly mean restart the graphs, the phone will wake and go to standby/locked screen when it decides it has enough juice, but won’t restart batt graphs until you login.

Back to the beginning, only 2 reasons I’ve seen where you plug-in but doesn’t charge is the heat problem and iOS16 bugs.


samwood2809 OP t1_j5qpu6x wrote

Yeah thought you meant the phone restarts

It was fully charged by morning though which I don’t understand if it wasn’t charging properly

I think it was on standby most the night because it said on my screen time notifications still came through


samwood2809 OP t1_j5qqesr wrote

if i plugged it in at 5 after it had ran out it would show it down at the bottom and in red but it’s not it’s in yellow and nearly at 100%

Yeah it died at 12:54am precisely coz that’s when the FaceTime ended

Thank you for this information by the way very interesting and helpful