Submitted by EB4950 t3_ydkz41
Submitted by vinags t3_ye8rh1
Submitted by [deleted] t3_yhhj77
Submitted by cap10reader t3_ydgdpi
Submitted by redswitched13 t3_yatax6
Dropped my phone flat on its back a few days ago and the screen got all gunked up. The dead pixels have been rapidly growing though, don’t get how a 3ft drop on its back could do so much damage when it had a case.
Submitted by Weather_Motor t3_y5a8nu
Submitted by [deleted] t3_yf1s0u
Submitted by UndertaleShorts t3_yh3k4j
Submitted by nbpf-_- t3_yhpzmo
Submitted by [deleted] t3_yfws9l
Submitted by NBCGLX t3_yista9
Submitted by Formal_Anybody3696 t3_yh2zk2
Submitted by MHB24 t3_yf0i7r
Submitted by I-AM-Savannah t3_yf2rb2
Submitted by Condemning_Authority t3_yg3lq2
Submitted by afc74nl t3_yi98z7
Submitted by [deleted] t3_yh2wal
Submitted by [deleted] t3_ygatj4
Submitted by chris-a-s-corbin t3_yiqtyb
Submitted by Problem-Otherwise t3_yf4jjo
Submitted by DaRePoz t3_yev8u9
Submitted by jellicentt t3_yhtmj3