Submitted by ItsWolf1442 t3_z5ame0
Submitted by [deleted] t3_z5kxu0
Submitted by Squirrelhenge t3_yzasgu
Submitted by Vexation t3_z4ln90
Submitted by [deleted] t3_z8esnm
Submitted by yxcvbna t3_z8v3l7
Submitted by markaznar t3_z8qtz6
Submitted by Practical_Pen_7730 t3_z43t5k
Submitted by FondantOld573 t3_z8wim9
Submitted by Comprehensive_Pie18 t3_z915u5
Is it possible to put my music bar where it was pre-update? why would they shift it down two inches with no option to change it???
Submitted by KingBarbarosa t3_z78g12
Submitted by rm968211 t3_z865wc
Submitted by Capable_Sea_5971 t3_z7l2tu
Submitted by ValGuyy t3_z6h10r
Submitted by throwaway512489 t3_z7t4x0
Submitted by [deleted] t3_z7bz55
Submitted by peaceful_war71 t3_z2hsgj
Submitted by [deleted] t3_z658vg
Submitted by [deleted] t3_z77ik3
Any easy way to solve activation issues? My father-in-law has no clue what password was used to set up iCloud.
Submitted by SupaZT t3_z8ydyr
iPhone 14 Pro, back glass on Camera decided to vanish. Have a Genius Bar appointment for tomorrow, thankfully have AppleCare+
Submitted by Midnight_Mason t3_z7gf0z
Submitted by LittleBuritoHaru t3_z8suyg