Submitted by yayeetdab045 t3_zvbwk9
Submitted by king_x_lord t3_zyu065
Submitted by MrSingh1996 t3_zxq01p
Submitted by D_Empire412 t3_zzdvi3
Submitted by shakaa14 t3_10070a9
Submitted by Effective-Ad6542 t3_zxpbsw
Submitted by [deleted] t3_zzix9k
Submitted by nicku114 t3_zy1r2p
Submitted by Carrera992 t3_zxs75a
Submitted by WattsAGigawatt t3_zy8i65
Submitted by Timelord53 t3_zzk9b4
Anyone else ever face issues with an iPhone 6 running iOS 8 (specifically 8.3) lagging a ton and not responding to button presses like power button & home? I got this iPhone for Christmas in a New-in-Box state, and I’d love to know the cause of this. bad battery, bad screen?
Submitted by Golden-Volkswagen53 t3_zxhhom
Submitted by fashionablymale t3_zy5mup
Submitted by psittaculous t3_zttmep
Submitted by [deleted] t3_zx9cjt
Submitted by Plenty-Ad3939 t3_zyup3w
Submitted by btk79 t3_zqsxtv
Submitted by [deleted] t3_zw9ko7
Not exactly factual, None of your fault @reddit I was hacked on my iPhone and this is the 3rd phone in as many weeks…. I’ve changed #’s too and indeed had a VPN running!
Submitted by BackfromHacked t3_zsxg68
Submitted by Neat-Bench-9422 t3_zzkoe6
Submitted by Opening-Cheetah467 t3_zrm8p9
Submitted by dragon_lynx_2478 t3_zzioaw
Submitted by Big_Panda4692 t3_zw6to7
Submitted by e3_was_good t3_zz1ssz