Submitted by NYsloth t3_zzbbvl
Submitted by SpiritThing78 t3_zy88uz
Submitted by [deleted] t3_zshcjq
Submitted by Beneficial_Lime_268 t3_zwrqma
Submitted by Pizza_37 t3_zxpj3c
Submitted by EffectiveLegal7040 t3_zvgmih
Submitted by [deleted] t3_zxzajc
Submitted by sladkayaKonfetka t3_zy0h97
I saw some weird screen tearing when I unlocked my phone now I notice this little grey line in the Lock Screen. What’s going on?
Submitted by WhiteClawsNoLaws t3_zvpkzw
Due to how poorly the 14 Plus sold, how would you feel if the iPhone Mini became the standard 15 size (5.4”) and the 14 became the standard 15 Plus size (6.1”)
Submitted by CurlyOtaku_ t3_zxiys8
Submitted by [deleted] t3_1000rvm
Submitted by pacumming1 t3_zxnd2m
Submitted by hmmmmmmble_trauma t3_zycmgx
Submitted by AvxrageX t3_zmbkr5
Progress bar on Spotify doesn’t allow me to skip through time stamps. All I gotta do is wait for my fav part on songs to come up now. Any help?
Submitted by NiakX t3_zy0swt
Submitted by Maritzsa t3_zycs2g
Submitted by OnlyFansMillionaire t3_zy1hi7
Submitted by Stopitwiththedribble t3_zsfb38
Submitted by HeskethV12 t3_zx0l0c
Submitted by kosii t3_zyzll4
Submitted by MussleGeeYem t3_zq2fq9
Submitted by pixobe t3_zzk50k
Submitted by The_Susbaru_STi t3_zx939n