Submitted by snacqq t3_zypht7
Submitted by DUNINTECH t3_ztjw3a
Submitted by afour23 t3_zzazgh
Submitted by [deleted] t3_zxw0ki
Submitted by spothedog1 t3_zy3xsp
Submitted by Bugses t3_zwkbss
Submitted by Puzzleheaded-Sky7398 t3_zz52xn
Submitted by Funny_Chance_1879 t3_zw2he3
I hope this isn’t too common to ask, would I still get that in Settings if I were to replace the display myself even if the replacement is genuine? I mean, is there something about it that Apple and approved technicians do (that others can’t) so that it doesn’t show up?
Submitted by Feacrali t3_zuz3wi
Submitted by Hellcat826 t3_zysrkm
Just sold my iPhone on eBay and the buyer is asking for an IMEI — is this okay? I don’t want to get scammed or anything lol
Submitted by chadplant t3_z9vb6u
Submitted by Stiuky t3_zfdddh
Submitted by suck_so_much_lol t3_ziz6oh
Submitted by heckingcomputernerd t3_znzvn4
Do you think iPhone supremacy is real? I got this iPhone 8 two days ago and I still love looking at it but some people are like ohhh it's so outdated, get a 12 or something but that's all I could afford unfortunately.
Submitted by Total_Connection9879 t3_zvz58j
Submitted by hellokittyisonfire t3_zxjfck
Submitted by CreepyChaperone t3_zz5s87
I search for alternatives to Apple battery pack because I can avoid the price 😢 But I’m still worried about my battery Health. Anyone have this one or know if it okey? Get warm or hot? Because that could Will a problem. Thanks for the advice
Submitted by GmYiyo t3_10pjgnx
Submitted by curly_crazy_curious t3_10mg931
Submitted by dashpassmyass t3_10keb1v
Submitted by egomaster t3_10pw37c
Submitted by Spoider_x t3_10q206m