Submitted by coffeebooksandplants t3_123q1tn
Submitted by MrL09 t3_z8yl74
Submitted by ncorey22 t3_z85iix
Submitted by Ok_Drive1036 t3_yem6lu
Submitted by [deleted] t3_z1z7ia
Submitted by bearyoverit t3_11dflml
Submitted by Westtexasfats t3_z87p0x
iPhone 13 Pro Max charges to 50-60% and stays like that rest of the night while plugged in. Does this happen to anyone else?
Submitted by Whiffler t3_10dosjf
Submitted by Educatingthomas t3_yhec26
Submitted by Healthy-Condition506 t3_10pa0r8
What decides the order of the suggested people to share with? I haven’t talked to the first suggestion in months yet I still get recommended to share to them
Submitted by QuantumRaiken t3_z37ovc
iOS 16.4 Camera non genuine warning, I got this phone new from at&t last March and never had any replacements or issues until this.
Submitted by DrSlapathot t3_123195q
Submitted by [deleted] t3_127iips
Submitted by EriBerry6 t3_1279zmf
Submitted by olanmills t3_11z1i9e
Submitted by lucinaiscool t3_119v1zv
Submitted by id31 t3_11e2hrx
Submitted by afour23 t3_126vi7v
Submitted by preppythugg t3_xzsooj
Submitted by Juanisweird t3_z5xcc8
Submitted by beaner_town04 t3_11bdk9c
Got a brand new iPhone 11 but, when I tap to wake the screen or click the power button, it takes a second for the display to properly light up afterwards. It’s like the screen is dark, then it takes some time for it to become lighter. Its kinda annoying. I have FaceID turned on.
Submitted by myself_diff t3_10oszoi
Submitted by [deleted] t3_yhjfjm
Submitted by OhYeahTrueLevelBitch t3_11eivst