Submitted by Heavy_Scientist9690 t3_122aq01
Submitted by turbodad37 t3_yg8uae
Submitted by bilal-xo t3_120abev
Submitted by AutoModerator t3_1196fi3
Submitted by martyrselfimortant t3_10mrr6m
Submitted by krissrmx t3_zxrjy1
Submitted by fun_escape_ t3_z0xeif
Submitted by AaddeMos t3_z7sdpw
How do I delete a focus or wallpaper? It says I can’t delete a any wallpaper because they are “attached” to a focus, but I got to my focus settings and nothings setup?
Submitted by Haunting_Aide_5040 t3_z934az
Submitted by Objective_Exercise21 t3_yhp8ea
Submitted by dahlialaurier t3_122f0ue
I lowkey think my phone hates YouTube, ever since I got it which is about a month ago, it takes ages to play a YouTube vid and this isn’t an internet problem because it happens everywhere I go, even when I have full bars and 5G and it still loads for ages, any tips?
Submitted by RealTshStudios t3_127crin
Submitted by Extremossss t3_118w92r
why that widget shows two different airpods? i only have one airpods pro connected to my iphone but the widget says otherwise.
Submitted by ginalinettiofficial t3_11ec80e
Submitted by Ninjewx t3_10lx8pq
Submitted by CantBanDaSnowman420 t3_10os4p1
Submitted by JCCZ75 t3_10nala6
Submitted by RegentCupid t3_z2t355
Submitted by Forsaken-Ad-7502 t3_ygxfrt
Does anyone know why this is happening, it worked on iOS 8 and when I updated it to iOS 9 this started happening. I can't install anything
Submitted by Beneficial_Lime_268 t3_122s7jn
Submitted by hopelesstaurusbitxch t3_10o4a6r
Submitted by diybhai t3_10phncm
Submitted by amplexus23 t3_zyb423
Apple, please go to the table with google and come up with something better that everybody can use if iMessage is going to be off limits to non apple users. We need a solution to this. Apple and google have a responsibility to take action when they easily can. SMS needs to die.
Submitted by talksickwalkquick t3_11cuxku
Submitted by Rishab_rk98 t3_z7kkrb