Submitted by kaneki-el t3_120d3sw
Submitted by SirCries-a-lot t3_11zt67n
Submitted by AutoModerator t3_11q74tj
Submitted by alvaro_tiznado t3_11kzj75
Just discovered this and was wondering if this meant it was time to move on from my iPhone 6S? I've had it for about 7-8 years now and I still love it (earphone jack and home button are the best)!! So I've been having a pretty hard time letting it go...
Submitted by DoorGuy99 t3_11i77pd
Submitted by awakenkraken t3_1281q5t
Submitted by Different-Tip-3948 t3_11woy6m
Submitted by BuchelIi t3_11mbqfj
Submitted by prettypuffin t3_124lin4
Submitted by Yuv774 t3_11yjcuw
Submitted by Electronic_Hat_9549 t3_123f6or
Submitted by Wo-shi-pi-jiu t3_1277axm
Submitted by No_Abbreviations2645 t3_121th32
My mom passed away a year ago today. Her iPhone is one of the few things I had enough sense to hang onto.
Submitted by redmambo_no6 t3_11deq2d
Submitted by Zombiechrist265 t3_115py24
Submitted by CoolRat65 t3_115bcq9
Submitted by SneakyCaleb t3_11507wh
How can TikTok access my contacts even though I haven’t given it permission? They all show up every time I open the app.
Submitted by Jack2885 t3_111cffd
Submitted by TriteBits t3_10uvp08
Submitted by Wi11_Yeet0628 t3_11d4r9v
Submitted by UnoriginalName789 t3_118l760
Submitted by FeelsAmazingManGun t3_1197m1u
Submitted by SKOLFAN84 t3_11cyar6
Submitted by princess_sarah02_1 t3_11bcx2m
Submitted by PM_CTD t3_11cvrhx