Submitted by AIVAORVAIA t3_10ldkmv
Submitted by Jalohann t3_zyqk3c
Submitted by BeautifulMusic1456 t3_10hyghb
Submitted by Hessian-Ghost t3_11bzsql
Submitted by Stinodotbe t3_10l8x3m
Submitted by GrandpaOverkill t3_xw6f6d
Submitted by doji2569 t3_zzblkx
Submitted by BetterThan__You t3_z2g0ou
Submitted by egroe92 t3_11auo9v
Submitted by StephaneCJ t3_zz4a2f
Submitted by putinecrusher t3_y5gf5z
Submitted by Truth_Seeker_MT t3_1191ypi
no water or moisture anywhere in and around the port and cable why is it saying this? -iphone 14 pro
Submitted by Cheeseyrats t3_10pj8j0
Submitted by Paranomac t3_zxwjt4
Submitted by laetazel t3_125tlfl
Submitted by cristi201 t3_zzrgti
Submitted by MalteseFalcon15 t3_yaoevo
We’re on iOS 16 but Apple Music has still not figured out queuing while connected to a car charger..
Submitted by BroodPlatypus t3_121ywzl
Submitted by domrayn t3_ye389t
Submitted by _SkyDweller_ t3_11v4eq7
iPhone 14 Pro Max camera problem: every time I use 3x zoom the screen turns purple. is this fixable?
Submitted by Enough_Plum1028 t3_11hxf1b
Submitted by TOPLEFT404 t3_11d3390
Submitted by SukstR t3_11dgcj9