Submitted by [deleted] t3_10m3611
Submitted by tertiarytheory t3_10jgjx5
Submitted by [deleted] t3_zsmvok
Submitted by Tastyy_wastaken t3_10q7tre
Got this Apple Leather Case for only 38$!(35€) on the clearance sale in my local store. Heard that the quality went downhill, but I’m loving it so far.
Submitted by MaHaYa t3_10ku7dm
Submitted by Cubro8 t3_10m9bs9
Submitted by ijustwannapasss t3_11acedv
Submitted by zeppovendetta t3_126l7g0
Submitted by PJ09 t3_y658pi
Submitted by pookstaar t3_10pb2ex
Submitted by Ok_WeedWorker8802 t3_zrqja1
Submitted by Sway_RL t3_127iwv2
Submitted by ComprehensiveFail628 t3_10l0h84
Submitted by Tokie-o t3_zzgcus
Submitted by ImCraigFuckingCulver t3_z8vxqd
Submitted by BaconBalthi t3_127tv19
Submitted by Extreme_Peach3201 t3_10mkewb
Submitted by Ecstatic-Storage3977 t3_11cu4t5
Submitted by ColorfulKnocking43 t3_124wbe5
Submitted by throwawaypenguinnn t3_yfsc0n
Submitted by Weird-Ad1676 t3_11vuz12
Submitted by Mocket t3_11x32u6
Submitted by JplayzIsFunny t3_zyoxkt
Is there hope for my front camera? What’s happening? Dropped the 12 in the pool the other day and looks like there’s some condensation on the inside
Submitted by irisd23 t3_10pbzrj