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Snoo_93644 t1_j6va8q5 wrote

Not 100% sure but very likely you can find them in 99 Ranch, in the aisle next to the food court. An open fridge has all pickled vegetables, I believe this is some kind of radish. You won't find them in jars, maybe in vacuumed plastic bags?

If 99 Ranch does not have it, H Mart will definitely have it.


Wildwilly54 t1_j6vbn2z wrote

It’s called “Takuan”. It’s pickled daikon

Edit; Go to mitsuwa in edgewater and look for the Tsukemono area, all sorts of crazy pickeled shit


flapjack212 t1_j6vcma7 wrote

i always thought it was just borrowed by japanese-american restaurants because it all gets mixed up here, but i did just google and apparently it's called takuan in japanese and is indeed one of the traditional pickle dishes


clenchingboar t1_j6wjqoh wrote

99 has them exactly in this package. I was there over the weekend. It’s the last aisle on the right side of the store. Same aisle as the eggs but opposite side. There’s even smaller bags of daikon strips which I normally get cause those huge logs is too much daikon for me. Go to h-mart some time and pick up some kimbap. It’s got pickled daikon in it too and it’s delicious


bodhipooh t1_j6xibjr wrote

I knew what you were referring to before I even saw the image... daikon is DELICIOUS. I used to go to a late night sushi joint on St Mark's Place that had a veggie roll with chunks of this in it. It was SOOOO good. That's how I first discovered daikon. Now, I get excited anytime I spot it in a dish, which is not often enough. I haven't had the katsu don at Honshu in forever, but I don't recall it ever having daikon, so I will have to go check it out. Thanks for the tip!