Submitted by No-Practice-8038 t3_10s3y7r in jerseycity

So this book nerd has been reading like a mad man. Would love some suggestions on what to read especially in the mystery genre. I luv Agatha Christie, Alan Bradley(Flavia De Luce Series), Osman( Thursday Murder Club) and writers in that vain.

Also luv the classics like War and Peace and Don Quixote hit me up with what ya reading.



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spypol t1_j6zkwg8 wrote

On this sub I exclusively read Jersey City Times


FelixTaran t1_j6zlmvi wrote

Case Histories by Kate Atkinson.

Mystery + family dynamics.


Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_j70shv5 wrote

Well, if you like historical fiction like W&P, you should try Patrick O'Brien's Master and Commander series. Picture a Napoleonic War Royal Navy swashbuckler as written by Jane Austen, and you'll get the idea. It's got amazing language and characters, such that a huge part of his fan base is female!

His fans often work their way through all 20 books and then start again. It's one continuous narrative as his two heroes, a naval captain and his ship's surgeon who happens to be an intelligence agent for the British Admiralty, sail their way around the world several times.


jerseycityfrankie t1_j71y89h wrote

Second Patrick O’Brian, he’s a one man world unto himself with his twenty novels that are really one huge novel. Can you imagine the character development you get over the span of twenty novels that feature the same five or six main characters?


Rent-Control-JC t1_j769tjg wrote

The Jersey Sting: A True Story of Crooked Pols, Money-Laundering Rabbis, Black Market Kidneys, and the Informant Who Brought It All Down.

Details NJs infamous Bid Rig case including the players from Jersey City (this is the JC subreddit after all). Authored by Ted Sherman (The Star Ledger) and Josh Margolin.

From the book jacket: In the summer of 2009 the blog Gawker stated “Everybody in New Jersey Was Arrested Yesterday.” Now for the first time, the real story behind the biggest corruption bust in New Jersey’s notoriously corrupt history.


Marybelle18 t1_j76td76 wrote

Tana French writes some great mysteries set around Dublin. In the Woods is the first.


parkerlela t1_j70jjkt wrote

If youre up for a thriller, thicc, and post modern - A House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski


photo-smart t1_j72cnzf wrote

You should check out r/booksuggestions