Submitted by BrahmanIsBrahman t3_10sv0ip in jerseycity

Neighbors across the hall bought a place around the corner. We've spoken for less than 5 minutes total over a dozen or so interactions... not a lot but enough to make me sad that they are leaving. They are a family with two small kids and an awesome dog. Want to wish them well, hope to run into them again.

Was thinking of a bottle of wine and/or a $25 Home Depot gift card for the new abode but it seems so impersonal. Any local (Hamilton Park) spots with gift cards? Something dog-related or kid friendly or new-home related would be cool, hopefully within walking distance. Or something better? <$50 please.

Thanks in advance, your time is appreciated.

Edit: Went with Word. Lots of excellent responses... thanks to everyone!



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WendysFrostyandFries t1_j73t7tn wrote

Hound About Town, Love The Clutter, Word Bookstore, Cangianos(yum), would be some good options. Although, a Home Depot Gift card is really solid too.


BookOfMormont t1_j73y2hv wrote

Get an in-store gift card to WORD! and encourage them to ask the staff for recommendations for kids, the folks there really know their stuff.


Puzzlekitt t1_j743ot2 wrote

Thats so kind of you, I think your ideas are so great and would be appreciated. And there are lots of great suggestions in the comments too. There's a newish home store called Living Room (where Casa mona flowers used to be) on Newark, if you're looking for a home goods type of gift.


ffejie t1_j74hb5x wrote

Gift card to Downtowner - local home goods and they can pick up something from a super local place.


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j74ojp4 wrote

I’d get a gift card to something you think they’d like. Local restaurants for example.

New homeowners could always use a Home Depot gift card. No joke.

Either will be highly appreciated. Moving is expensive and exhausting. Those are nice things someone moving will absolutely use.

I tend to shy away from alcohol unless I know what they drink. Some people are particular and others don’t drink for various reasons. I’ve known a few recovering alcoholics, and it’s a little awkward getting a bottle of wine. I’ll get a bottle some alcohol for a family member or friend if I know they like a particular drink. If I don’t know them that well, then I don’t.


gigiwasabi_jc t1_j76klbv wrote

All of these + Kanibal (near city hall) has some nice “made in JC” gifty things.